Can System (default) Python be upgraded to point to Python3 on Jetson Nano?

Can System (default) Python be upgraded to point to Python3 on Jetson Nano?

update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 1

I upgraded Default Python to Python3 and when I rebooted the Jetson (Jetpack 4.5.1), Ubuntu reports an error running /usr/sbin/l4t_payload_updater_t210. The l4t_payload_updater_t210 script uses Python 2.7 print statements.

Should I update the l4t_payload_updater_t210 python script to use Python3 print statements or revert back to Python2 as the System Python?

Screenshot attached.

I would suggest to fallback the python2 as system python. We cannot make sure this tool won’t fail after you upgrade it to python3 by yourself.

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