Can we use deepstream-reference-app in production?

Hi How are you

i am little confused about deepstream-reference-app and deepstream-python-app.

we only use two config file with deepstream-reference-app

  • primary config.txt
  • deepstream_source1-detect.txt

and no code and we can run through deepstream-app -c

and the second is deepstream-python-app
we use one config file and integrate this config with python( GST-python )

which one is good for production and why?, please tell us about pros and cons of each .

This depends on your requirement and developing skill.

  1. For deepstream-app sample, it is a c/c++ sample of dynamic DeepStream pipeline construction through configuration. DeepStream Reference Application - deepstream-app — DeepStream 6.1.1 Release documentation. Users can construct basic DeepStream pipeline with some fixed types of fucntions without any code. But some parts of the code may be redundant for the fixed scenario. And it is very hard for some users to customize functions with deepstream-app sample for the complexity of the code.
  2. For deepstream-python-app is a bunch of python DeepStream samples for different inferencing scenarios. Python Sample Apps and Bindings Source Details — DeepStream 6.1.1 Release documentation The users can choose the sample which is mostly similar to their own scenario and construct their own app.

To summarize, DeepStream is just a SDK, all samples are for the demo of how to use the APIs provided by the SDK. You need to make your own decision for which sample to focus on based on your own requirement and developing skills.

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