Cannot create Instanceable meshes USD with the way of document


I tried to create instanceable asset through the method of the documents (5. Instanceable Assets - 5.5. Modifying Existing Assets).

I understand that I can create instanceable asset (which I think it is instanceable USD file) within Script Editor.

However, I cannot create instanceable assets even if I used provided asset Dofbot. The below is what I tried.

import omni.usd
import omni.client

from pxr import UsdGeom, Sdf

def create_parent_xforms(asset_usd_path, source_prim_path, save_as_path=None):
    """ Adds a new UsdGeom.Xform prim for each Mesh/Geometry prim under source_prim_path.
        Moves material assignment to new parent prim if any exists on the Mesh/Geometry prim.

            asset_usd_path (str): USD file path for asset
            source_prim_path (str): USD path of root prim
            save_as_path (str): USD file path for modified USD stage. Defaults to None, will save in same file.
    stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()

    prims = [stage.GetPrimAtPath(source_prim_path)]
    edits = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
    while len(prims) > 0:
        prim = prims.pop(0)
        if prim.GetTypeName() in ["Mesh", "Capsule", "Sphere", "Box"]:
            new_xform = UsdGeom.Xform.Define(stage, str(prim.GetPath()) + "_xform")
            print(prim, new_xform)
            edits.Add(Sdf.NamespaceEdit.Reparent(prim.GetPath(), new_xform.GetPath(), 0))

        children_prims = prim.GetChildren()
        prims = prims + children_prims


    if save_as_path is None:

def convert_asset_instanceable(asset_usd_path, source_prim_path, save_as_path=None, create_xforms=True):
    """ Makes all mesh/geometry prims instanceable.
        Can optionally add UsdGeom.Xform prim as parent for all mesh/geometry prims.
        Makes a copy of the asset USD file, which will be used for referencing.
        Updates asset file to convert all parent prims of mesh/geometry prims to reference cloned USD file.

            asset_usd_path (str): USD file path for asset
            source_prim_path (str): USD path of root prim
            save_as_path (str): USD file path for modified USD stage. Defaults to None, will save in same file.
            create_xforms (bool): Whether to add new UsdGeom.Xform prims to mesh/geometry prims.

    if create_xforms:
        create_parent_xforms(asset_usd_path, source_prim_path, save_as_path)
        asset_usd_path = save_as_path

    instance_usd_path = ".".join(asset_usd_path.split(".")[:-1]) + "_meshes.usd"
    omni.client.copy(asset_usd_path, instance_usd_path)
    stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()

    prims = [stage.GetPrimAtPath(source_prim_path)]
    while len(prims) > 0:
        prim = prims.pop(0)
        if prim:
            if prim.GetTypeName() in ["Mesh", "Capsule", "Sphere", "Box"]:
                parent_prim = prim.GetParent()
                if parent_prim and not parent_prim.IsInstance():
                    parent_prim.GetReferences().AddReference(assetPath=instance_usd_path, primPath=str(parent_prim.GetPath()))

            children_prims = prim.GetChildren()
            prims = prims + children_prims

    if save_as_path is None:

convert_asset_instanceable('/home/bak/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2022.2.0/OmniIsaacGymEnvs/omniisaacgymenvs/usd/Dofbot.usd', '/Dofbot')

When I ran the above code, I got an 'AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split' message.

How can I create instanceable USD files?