Cannot install deepspeed on AGX Xavier

This is why I hate python development hell: The package I need (deepspeed) needs to be built for python 3.8, because it’s a dependency for another package that will introduce its own set of bugs if I try running it on python 3.6. If you are saying that Pytorch breaks when running on python 3.8 but it does not break when running on python 3.6, then it means that the current pytorch code either does not comply with the Python standards, or the Python standards changed between 3.6 and 3.8 and caused code to break, else I would not see these errors when going to a higher version. I am using exactly the method as described here: PyTorch for Jetson

Its not a simple case of “just run python 3.6 and be done with it”, because that means I need to rewrite a lot of code with it’s dependencies just to make it run on an older version of Python with 3.6 being EOL for the end of this year.