Cant get rtx remixSample to open

After copying remix files into Remix Sample location it launches to a white screen below is log

[22:51:14.915] info: No default config found for: C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Local\ov\pkg\rtx-remix-2024.2.1\deps\remix_runtime\sample\RemixSample.exe
[22:51:14.920] info: Trying to open config file: C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Local\ov\pkg\rtx-remix-2024.2.1\deps\remix_runtime\sample.trex\bridge.conf
[22:51:14.921] info: ==================
[22:51:14.922] info: NVIDIA RTX Remix Bridge Client
[22:51:14.923] info: ==================
[22:51:14.924] info: Version: remix-0.4.1+856260f4
[22:51:14.924] info: Loaded d3d9.dll from C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Local\ov\pkg\rtx-remix-2024.2.1\deps\remix_runtime\sample\RemixSample.exe
[22:51:14.928] warn: Injected DirectInput8Create proc detected!
[22:51:14.953] info: DirectInput8 hook attached.
[22:51:14.955] warn: Injected DirectInputCreate proc detected!
[22:51:14.972] info: DirectInput hook attached.
[22:51:14.972] info: Initializing new shared memory object.
[22:51:14.974] info: Initializing new shared memory object.
[22:51:14.975] info: Initializing new shared memory object.
[22:51:15.013] info: Initializing new shared memory object.
[22:51:15.073] info: Launching server with GUID f9052c90-0f3b-47e8-be80-2768c15f52ce
[22:51:15.128] info: Process set as DPI aware
[22:51:15.129] info: Sending SYN command, waiting for ACK from server…
[22:51:16.613] info: Ack received! Handshake completed! Telling server to continue waiting for commands…
[22:51:16.613] info: Creating a NON thread-safe D3D9 device.
[22:51:17.171] err: The server process has unexpectedly exited, shutting bridge down until next game relaunch!
[22:51:17.172] info: [Uptime] Server (estimated): 2s
[22:51:17.642] err: …server-side D3D9 device creation failed with: no response from server.

@danielkeithaherne i am just another user (OV not Remix) but i saw someone having similar issue on the Remix Discord and the issue was related to texture format in a material, but hard to say if it’s exactly the cause in your case: Discord

Yes you would be better off, posting this in the REMIX Discord channel. This area is for pure RTX Rendering issues.

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