I am using Jetson Nano SOM & SW: nvidia-l4t-core 32.7. and IMX477 Arducam camera.I am try to use nvgstcapture for capturing image and try to use ISP Features like wb, exposute comp… I downloaded the source package public_source.tbz2 and extact it and found multiple nvgst folder…
I shared the image also above.
I also found multiple parameters here:
~$ nvgstcapture-1.0 --help
Encoder null, cannot set bitrate!
Encoder Profile = High
nvgstcapture-1.0 [OPTION?] Nvidia GStreamer Camera Model Test
Help Options:
-h, --help Show help options
–help-all Show all help options
–help-gst Show GStreamer Options
Application Options:
–prev-res Preview width & height.Range: 2 to 12 (5632x4224) e.g., --prev-res=3
–cus-prev-res Custom Preview width & height e.g., --cus-prev-res=1920x1080
–image-res Image width & height. Range: 2 to 12 (5632x4224) e.g., --image-res=3
–video-res Video width & height. Range: 2 to 9 (3896x2192) e.g., --video-res=3
–camsrc Camera Source to use (0=v4l2, 1=csi[default], 2=videotest, 3=eglstream)
-m, --mode Capture mode value (1=still 2=video)
-v, --video-enc Video encoder type (0=h264[HW] 1=vp8[HW] 2=h265[HW] 3=vp9[HW])
-p, --hw-enc-path Frame Work type (1=V4L2 [Default])
-b, --enc-bitrate Video encoding Bit-rate(in bytes) e.g., --enc-bitrate=4000000
–enc-controlrate Video encoding Bit-rate control method 0 = Disable, 1 = variable(Default), 2 = constant e.g., --enc-controlrate=1
–enc-EnableTwopassCBR Enable two pass CBR while encoding 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable e.g., --enc-EnableTwopassCBR=1
–enc-profile Video encoder profile For H.264: 0=Baseline, 1=Main, 2=High
-J, --image-enc Image encoder type (0=jpeg_SW[jpegenc] 1=jpeg_HW[nvjpegenc])
-k, --file-type Container file type (0=mp4 1=3gp 2=mkv)
–file-name Captured file name. nvcamtest is used by default
–color-format Color format to use (0=I420,1=NV12[For CSI only and default for CSI], 2=YUY2[For V4L2 only, default for v4l2])
–enable-meta Enable Sensor MetaData reporting
–app-profile Enable KPI profiling
–kpi-numbers Enable KPI measurement
–cap-dev-node Video capture device node (0=/dev/video0[default], 1=/dev/video1, 2=/dev/video2) e.g., --cap-dev-node=0
–svs [For USB] (=) chain for video Preview. [For CSI only] use “nveglglessink”
–eglConfig EGL window Coordinates (x_pos y_pos) in that order e.g., --eglConfig=“50 100”
–orientation Camera sensor orientation value
-w, --whitebalance Capture whitebalance value
–timeout Capture timeout value
–saturation Camera Saturation value
–sensor-id Camera Sensor ID value
–sensor-mode Camera Sensor Mode value
–framerate FrameRate of sensor mode (use with --framerate)
–exposuretimerange Property to adjust exposure time range in nanoseconds e.g., --exposuretimerange=“34000 358733000”
–gainrange Property to adjust gain range e.g., --gainrange=“1 16”
–ispdigitalgainrange Property to adjust digital gain range e.g., --ispdigitalgainrange=“1 8”
–aelock Enable AE Lock, default is disabled
–awblock Enable AWB Lock, default is disabled
–exposurecompensation Property to adjust exposure compensation e.g., --exposurecompensation=0.5
–aeantibanding Property to set the auto exposure antibanding mode e.g., --aeantibanding=2
–tnr-mode Property to select temporal noise reduction mode e.g., --tnr-mode=2
–tnr-strength Property to adjust temporal noise reduction strength e.g., --tnr-strength=0.5
–ee-mode Property to select edge enhancement mode e.g., --ee-mode=2
–ee-strength Property to adjust edge enhancement strength e.g., --ee-strength=0.5
–overlayConfig Overlay Configuration Options index and coordinates in (index, x_pos, y_pos, width, height) order e.g. --overlayConfig=“0, 0, 0, 1280, 720”
-A, --automate Run application in automation mode
-S, --start-time Start capture after specified time in seconds. Default = 5 sec (use with --automate or -A only)
-Q, --quit-after Quit application once automation is done after specified time in seconds. Default = 0 sec (use with --automate or -A only)
-C, --count Number of iterations of automation testcase. Default = 1 (use with --automate or -A only)
-N, --num-sensors Number of sensors (use with --automate or -A only)
–capture-gap Number of milliseconds between successive image/video capture. Default = 250 msec (use with --automate and --capture-auto only)
–capture-time Capture video for specified time in seconds. Default = 10 sec (use with --automate and --capture-auto only)
–toggle-mode Toggle between still and video capture modes for count number of times (use with --automate or -A only)
–capture-auto Do image/video capture in automation mode for count number of times(use with --automate or -A only)
–toggle-sensor Toggle between num_sensors if given otherwise between sensor-id 0 and 1 (use with --automate or -A only)
–toggle-sensor-modes Toggle between all sensor modes if given. (use with --automate or -A only)
–enum-wb Enumerate all white-balance modes for count number of times (use with --automate or -A only)
–enum-st Enumerate saturation value through 0 to 2 by a step of 0.1 for count number of times (use with --automate or -A only)
Supported resolutions in case of NvArgusCamera
(2) : 640x480
(3) : 1280x720
(4) : 1920x1080
(5) : 2104x1560
(6) : 2592x1944
(7) : 2616x1472
(8) : 3840x2160
(9) : 3896x2192
(10): 4208x3120
(11): 5632x3168
(12): 5632x4224
Please guide me how do use this parametrs as I am getting error while running nvgstcapture. I am using in headless environment.
Here is the error:
nvgstcapture-1.0 -A -C 5 --capture-auto --image-res=4
Encoder null, cannot set bitrate!
Encoder Profile = High
bitrate = 4000000
Encoder Profile = High
Encoder control-rate = 1
Encoder EnableTwopassCBR = 0
Cannot open display specified with DISPLAY environment variable
can’t create window, Display NULL
Using winsys: x11
** Message: 15:13:36.837: main:4648 iterating capture loop …
Starting automation…
NvMMLiteOpen : Block : BlockType = 4
===== NVMEDIA: NVENC =====
NvMMLiteBlockCreate : Block : BlockType = 4
GST_ARGUS: Creating output stream
CONSUMER: Waiting until producer is connected…
GST_ARGUS: Available Sensor modes :
GST_ARGUS: 3840 x 2160 FR = 29.999999 fps Duration = 33333334 ; Analog Gain range min 1.000000, max 22.250000; Exposure Range min 13000, max 683709000;
GST_ARGUS: 1920 x 1080 FR = 59.999999 fps Duration = 16666667 ; Analog Gain range min 1.000000, max 22.250000; Exposure Range min 13000, max 683709000;
GST_ARGUS: Running with following settings:
Camera index = 0
Camera mode = 1
Output Stream W = 1920 H = 1080
seconds to Run = 0
Frame Rate = 59.999999
GST_ARGUS: Setup Complete, Starting captures for 0 seconds
GST_ARGUS: Starting repeat capture requests.
CONSUMER: Producer has connected; continuing.