I am trying to use “Cesium For Omniverse” in an Isaac Sim extension. I see following error when I start the simulation -
[Error] [omni.physxstageupdate.scripts.fsd_check] Fabric Scene Delegate (FSD) does not support physics simulation, please disable FSD in render settings. Physics will be disabled.
I am a newbie , I don’t understand what this error means. Is there a way to workaround/fix for this issue?
The problem is that Cesium REQUIRES FSD (Fabric Scene Delegate). However FSD blocks physics. So you cannot have both, unfortunately. You can either have Cesium, or run physics. If you want physics to work, you need to go to Preferences and disable FSD.
is that mean I would like running the Fabric Scene Delegate (FSD) in Nvidia Composer also couldn’t run Physics on it ? My planning is running the vehicle on top of the cesium map … what do you think ?
Does that mean, I cannot simulate a vehicle in Isaac Sim that is moving in an environment that has been simulated using “Cesium for Omniverse”? My use case is to drive a vehicle through a realistic geospatial terrain that has been brought in through Cesium.
@leng.chen.peng and @shashi7 correct. You cannot do Cesium and PhysX together. This is a current limitation that we cannot get around. Cesium requires FSD to load the tiles in quickly on demand, but FSD is not compatible with our PhysX engine.