CGF stuck when executing dwFeatureHistoryArray_copyAsync from GPU to CPU

Dear @SivaRamaKrishnaNV,

I don’t understand. Please, can you tell me in which log file you see this?

I am not completely sure why you are getting this, I suggest try to use entire repo. Repo is synced, and i don’t see radar node present in stm or yaml.

Best regards,

Dear @vincenzo.longobardi,
I could reproduce the issue and noticed the issue seems to be in accessing the m_featureHistoryGPU struct though dwFeature2DTracker_trackFeatures seems to return DW_SUCCESS.

Dear @SivaRamaKrishnaNV,

Thank you for confirming the issue.
So, what is the exact issue, is there any way to solve it? Thank you.

Best regards,

Dear @SivaRamaKrishnaNV,

Do you have any update?

Best regards,

Dear @SivaRamaKrishnaNV @VickNV

friendly reminder.

Best Regards

Dear @sushant.bahadure,
I give a try with internal DRIVE OS release to see if it is bug with last release and update you next week…

Dear @SivaRamaKrishnaNV ,

Were you able to find something to solve this issue?

Best Regards,

Dear @sushant.bahadure,
My apologies for missing it. I am yet to try on next release. I will check and update you by end of this week.

I seems to missed the files. I reflashed the target with DRIVE OS 6.0.10. I remember there were few changes needed your files to repro the issue. Please confirm if cgf_driveworks/PerceptionPipeV0_10 at main · alexshade15/cgf_driveworks · GitHub has those changes and can repro the issue out of the box?
Last time, I remember there was some issue in accessing the GPU buffer

Dear @SivaRamaKrishnaNV

I read our conversation and this is what I found:

  • Copy /usr/local/driveworks-5.14/data/samples/minipipeline/dataset as ./cgf_driveworks/PerceptionPipeV0_10/dataset folder
    Doing so you will have irisSimShort_2217.bin
  • Since you wanted to use recorded video so I updated rig.json in order to read from /usr/local/driveworks-5.14/data/samples/cgf/trafficlightturning-hyperion8/camera_front_wide_120fov.mp4
  • You also had an issue related to to X11 that could be related to docker used.

Apart from these you don’t need anything else to run CGF application from my repo.

As per me you should be able to reproduce the issue. Let me know.

Best Regards,

Hi @SivaRamaKrishnaNV & @VickNV

Could you reproduce this issue, any probable fixes?

best regards,
Sushant Bahadure

Dear @sushant.bahadure ,
There are few changes in include header files due to which the sample app could not be compiled out of the box on DRIVE OS 6.0.10.
I hear from your another colleague that he/she prefer to work on DRIVE OS release. Let me know if it is same in your case well?

Hi @SivaRamaKrishnaNV ,

as per me, currently we are working with version, for now we are not able to fully utilize GPU as seen/reported in this reported issue by @vincenzo.longobardi , if this issue is fixed in 6.010 we will try to migrate newer version, if no other solution/suggestion is available for version.

or else we don’t have any other motivation to migrate to new version,
Please let me know if this issue is fixable in drive-os 6.0.10 or

Best Regards,

Dear @sushant.bahadure,

I will check fixing the compilation errors and repro the issue DRIVE OS 6.0.10 release and update you.

Hi @SivaRamaKrishnaNV and @VickNV,

A Friendly reminder.

Best Regards,

Hi @SivaRamaKrishnaNV and @VickNV,

A Friendly reminder.

Best Regards,

Hi @SivaRamaKrishnaNV and @VickNV,

A Friendly reminder.

Best Regards,