Change rtsp from H264 to H265 during runtime time

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When the deepstream pipeline is running, I change my camera output format from H264 to H265.

And then I will get below connection issue and it can’t be recovered from reconnection.
I need fully understand this rtsp-reconnect-interval. How many times reconnection will it try? If I set rtsp-reconnect-interval =0, does it mean, it will never reconnect even if there is no data, or the camera dies. After camera is back, what will happen?

WARNING from element uri-decode-bin: No data from source rtsp://admin:1qaz2wsx@ since last 60 sec. Trying reconnection
Warning: No data from source rtsp://admin:1qaz2wsx@ since last 60 sec. Trying reconnection
WARNING from element src: Unhandled error
Warning: Unhandled error
WARNING from element src: Could not write to resource.
Warning: Could not write to resource.

ERROR from element uri-decode-bin: Failed to populate and link video elements
Error details: /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/deepstream/sdk/src/gst-plugins/gst-nvdsbins/gstdsnvurisrcbin.cpp(1706): cb_newpad_rtspsrc (): /GstPipeline:v2x-pipeline/GstBin:source-bin-00/GstDsNvUriSrcBin:uri-decode-bin
Resetting source rtsp://admin:1qaz2wsx@
Returned, stopping playback
[NvMultiObjectTracker] De-initialized
mqtt disconnected
Deleting pipeline

In this case, the pipeline needs to be restarted. Reconnecting cannot solve this case.

This sample is close to your usage scenario

rtsp-reconnect-interval means that if no data arrives within the specified time, the connection will be reconnected. If it is set to 0, nothing will be reconnected.

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore. Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one. Thanks

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