Classification missing validation accuracy in TensorBoard

• Network Type: CSPDarknet53 classifier
• TLT Version: 4.0.1


I am training a classifier with TAO and the log outputs the following values:
acc, loss, lr, val_acc, val_loss. But when I am visualising using TensorBoard, I am missing the validation accuracy. The training accuracy is present but is kind of useless when watching for overfitting.

Is it an omission from the TAO team? It doesn’t seem like I can do anything to add it.

Thanks for the help

Could you share the training spec file?

here is the spec file:
conf_cspdarknet53.yml (1.7 KB)

Thanks for the info. I can reproduce and will fix it in next release.

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Thanks, when is the next release planned?

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore. Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one. Thanks

It is about 2 months.

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