clBuildProgram Assertion Death

I found my solution already, but for posterity…

If you’re trying to embed your kernel source in your application in a string, and clBuildProgram dies ignobly with assertions like:

Expression: isa(Val) && “cast() argument of incompatible type!”

The problem seems to be that you need carriage returns.

For example:


__kernel void samplePatch(__read_only image2d_t src, sampler_t sampler,		\

						  float fromx, float fromy,							\

						  const uint patchRadius,							  \

						  float d11, float d12, float d21, float d22,		  \

						  __global float *d_dest)							  \

{																			  \

	blah...																	\

	blah...																	\

	blah...																	\

}																			  \


Needs to be:


__kernel void samplePatch(__read_only image2d_t src, sampler_t sampler,		\n\

						  float fromx, float fromy,							\n\

						  const uint patchRadius,							  \n\

						  float d11, float d12, float d21, float d22,		  \n\

						  __global float *d_dest)							  \n\

{																			  \n\

	blah...																	\n\

	blah...																	\n\

	blah...																	\n\

}																			  \n\

