
Hi First I like to apologize for asking a question that already been answered, then I like to inform you that Yes, I have googled and read on the forum. Still I don’t have a clear understanding.


I have a Nvidia TX2 development machine with rebuilt Kernel and Development done on it.

Now I have a clean TX2 that will go to my cutomer!

How do I clone the first TX2 set and copy everything to my other board to ship to the customer

If any one know I would be very happy !



You may have already seen this, but have you tried this method?


Yes (Thanks), but I cant get Jetson to start after recover just a black screen


Perhaps a different version of JetPack was used than in the image. Can you try flashing your Jetson with the same version, then extracting the backup? This may be due to extra configuration steps of the device partitions that JetPack-L4T does, but isn’t done during cloning.

Additional information: There are many hidden partitions, and some of these will change depending on release (e.g., R27.1 versus R28.1). If you flash and “reuse” the cloned rootfs, and if the rootfs is from a different release than the hidden partitions were designed for, then you may have a problem. Be careful to not overwrite your clone, but flashing once with the same release the clone was from before flashing with the clone will guarantee hidden partitions are compatible with the cloned rootfs.

There used to be a way to clone “all” partitions as a single image, but this no longer exists. Consider this a feature request since an “all” alias for all partitions as a single image would be very useful!

I think the simplest way to do this might be one of the following:

If you have two modules running and networked at the same time:

  1. Boot the “target” from a SDCard
  2. run the following command from the “target”:
ssh nvidia@source-ip sudo gzip -c /dev/mmcblk0 | zcat | sudo dd of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1024k

source-ip is the IP address of the “source” system you’re cloning from.

If you only have one developer motherboard and can’t network both modules at the same time:

  1. Attach a SATA hard disk to the PCI-express port on the development board
  2. Boot the “source” from SDCard, mount your hard disk on /mnt
  3. run the command:
sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/mnt/image.bin bs=1024k
  1. Shut down, replace the module with the new module, and boot the “target” from SDCard
  2. Mount he hard disk on /mnt again, and execute:
sudo dd if=/mnt/image.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1024k