Close or hide UEFI menu

Hi fa1053,

For Jetpack 5.1.1, please download the uefi source with branch r35.3.1-updates as following.

$ edkrepo clone nvidia-uefi-r35.3.1-updates NVIDIA-Platforms r35.3.1-updates

You could refer to the following patch to disable the register for hotkey.

--- a/Silicon/NVIDIA/Library/PlatformBootManagerLib/PlatformBm.c
+++ b/Silicon/NVIDIA/Library/PlatformBootManagerLib/PlatformBm.c
@@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ PlatformBootManagerBeforeConsole (
     // Register platform-specific boot options and keyboard shortcuts.
-    PlatformRegisterOptionsAndKeys ();
+    //PlatformRegisterOptionsAndKeys ();
     // Register EnrollDefaultKeysApp as a SysPrep Option.
@@ -1546,7 +1546,7 @@ PlatformBootManagerAfterConsole (
   // Display system and hotkey information after console is ready.
-  DisplaySystemAndHotkeyInformation ();
+  //DisplaySystemAndHotkeyInformation ();