Cloud connectivity on NVIDIA Jetson Xavir

Is there any documents available to connect cloud platform(AWS,Azure,google cloud platform and others) from NVIDIA Jetson Xavir board.I have seen demo video available " DeepStream Edge-to-Cloud Integration with Azure IoT(" and “Deploy AI with AWS ML IOT Services on Jetson Nano(” for jetson Nano board,Is it applicable for NVIDIA Jetson Xavir board?


To give a more precisely suggestion, would you mind to tell us what kind of connection you need?


I am searching for any official documents available for jetson AGX Xavier board for google cloud,aws,azure iot connectivity,As training is available for AWS and Azure same kind of training is available for google cloud. I want to make a comparison among all the three cloud platforms.


AWS IoT Greengrass

Jetson Xavier is listed in the supported device here:

So suppose you should be able to install it on the Xavier.
Sorry that we don’t have too much experience on it since it is a third-party library.

Azure IoT

This is based on our Deepstream SDK container.
You can find its document here:


also it is possible to install and use google cloud sdk on Xavier

However, Azure terminal client won’t work
Moreover, aws cli should work.
Feature Request awscli 2: ARM builds · Issue #4943 · aws/aws-cli · GitHub

is there available working exampole of the file /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.1/sources/apps/sample_apps/deepstream-test5/configs/test5_config_file_src_infer.txt

that will work with Azure ?

we are trying to find a way to use not only cameras but also somehow forward to Azure broker the /dev/ttyACM0 outputs

Hi Andrey1984,

For DeepStream SDK related issue, please help to open issue at DeepStream SDK forum.
