CloudXR 3.0 crash in AppPaused method (Quest 2), is this one of the bugs that was fixed in 3.1 or 3.1.1?

Hi Nvidia, when I leave the play area and re-enter it multiple times in CloudXR 3.0 on Quest 2, triggering AppPaused / AppResumed, after a while (an indeterminate number of times), the app crashes inside AppPaused.

In the logcat I see these lines in the CloudXR library:

V/CloudXR: Failed nvstSetRuntimeParam: State transition to State-2 is invalid for FrameNum 303.
V/CloudXR: Eye1 processing thread shutdown.

V/CloudXR: Failed nvstSetRuntimeParam: State transition to State-2 is invalid for FrameNum 303.
V/CloudXR: Eye0 processing thread shutdown.

A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x1000f in tid 18075 (main), pid 18036

I’m just curious if this is one of the stability fixes you already solved in 3.1 or 3.1.1.


Hello Belakampis1,

Can I get a bit more information: Can you clarify very precisely what ‘leave the play area’ means. Exact steps. And does it happen within SOME maximum count, some period of time: one hour, over the course of one day, over the course of many days?


Hi Greg, the crash occurs after stepping out of the Guardian boundary, upon re-entering it. Only thing, it doesn’t happen every time, but sometimes may take 5 enter/exits in a row. This is a problem for us. It’s all within a single session and I can make it crash reliably (every time), but only after a seemingly random amount of exiting / entering the play area.

However, to avoid wasting anyone’s time, I will first try to repro this in your basic CloudXR 3.1.1 sample for Quest and get back to you. I see a lot of changes to the state machine and it may be resolved already.