Dose someone know the code of setting the ‘Scene End’ value in the lower right corner in the Sequencer extension ??
I only use the Curve Editor to run animation.After I done my animation,I need to manual modify the end frame to correspond animation.
@kevin2.wu i think there are at least two ways:
if you want to specify the end time in frames :
import omni.timeline
timeline = omni.timeline.get_timeline_interface()
fps = timeline.get_time_codes_per_seconds()
# specify the desired scene end frame #
duration_in_frame = 150
# convert frames into seconds based on current fps
duration_in_sec = duration_in_frame/fps
end_time = timeline.set_end_time(end_time = duration_in_sec)
or…if you want to specify in seconds :
import omni.timeline
timeline = omni.timeline.get_timeline_interface()
fps = timeline.get_time_codes_per_seconds()
# specify the desired scene end in seconds
duration_in_sec = 4
end_time = timeline.set_end_time(end_time = duration_in_sec)
here’s the omni.timeline API should you need anything else - omni.timeline — kit-sdk 105.0.2 documentation
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Thank you very much !!
I’ll study more about timeline doc.
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October 25, 2023, 10:16am
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