Compiler error - please help memory qualifier on data member is not allowed

Hey guys. I can’t get any GPU specific variables into structs or classes. I get the following error if I try:

struct cuda_var_t
device float *buffer_dev;

leads to the following error:

error: memory qualifier on data member is not allowed

With a bare bones program and no other code, I still get the same error. How can I throw these variables into structs/classes?

You simply can’t. What is the structure supposed to contain? Where is it supposed to reside? On host or GPU? May be you want something like this:

struct cuda_var_t


float *buffer;

int	*bla;


int	 thing;


__device__  struct  cuda_var_t  yourStructVariable_on_device;

int main(...)




Well, I want the structure to reside on the CPU, but the variables to reside on the GPU… does that make sense?

Basically, I need multiple instances of those variables… and so I NEED a class or struct to house them in - globals only have one instance! I’m very confused about this right now…

That’s nonsense ;-)

You can’t put a box (structure) into the green cupboard and expect the contents of the box to be in the yellow cupboard :wacko:

I think you want

struct cuda_struct_t


  float *buffer; /* buffer points to device memory */


Then buffer itself resides in host memory. But you may allocate memory on the device and store its adress in buffer.

struct cuda_struct_t myStructVar;

cudaMalloc((void**)&(myStructVar.buffer), N*sizeof(float));