Compiling hpcc benchmarks

I’m getting an unknown error message when trying to compile the hpcc benchmark. Can somebody suggest where to lool?

/opt/pgi/sua64/7.1-6/bin/pgcc -o …/…/…/…/STREAM/onecpu.o -c …/…/…/…/STREAM/onecpu.c -I…/…/…/…/include -DAdd_ -DF77_INTEGER=int -DStringSunStyle -DHPL_CALL_CBLAS -I…/…/…/include -I…/…/…/include/MSFT_hoot -I/dev/fs/C/acml4.0.1/win64_mp/include -I/dev/fs/C/Program\ Files/MPICH2/include -O3
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/tmp/pgccv3ib-ZUHlFFL.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/pgccv3ib-ZUHlFFL.s:58: Error: junk @12' after expression /tmp/pgccv3ib-ZUHlFFL.s:63: Error: junk @12’ after expression
/tmp/pgccv3ib-ZUHlFFL.s:90: Error: junk @36' after expression /tmp/pgccv3ib-ZUHlFFL.s:99: Error: junk @32’ after expression
/tmp/pgccv3ib-ZUHlFFL.s:116: Error: junk @36' after expression /tmp/pgccv3ib-ZUHlFFL.s:126: Error: junk @36’ after expression
/tmp/pgccv3ib-ZUHlFFL.s:136: Error: junk `@36’ after expression


Can you provide us a preprocessed onecpu.c? Please make sure that we can compile a file without dependencies. Not sure how it gets @… because it is not window compiler.

Please send to
