I’m trying to compile the High Performance Linpack benchmark (from NVIDIA for CUDA), but I’m having problems. I could get the regular version of HPL to install, but the CUDA version gives me the following error:
make[1]: Entering directory /net/user/erasmussen/hpl-2.0_FERMI_v13' ( cd src/auxil/CUDA; make TOPdir=/net/user/erasmussen/hpl-2.0_FERMI_v13 ) make[2]: Entering directory
make[2]: *** No rule to make target -I/net/user/erasmussen/hpl-2.0_FERMI_v13/include/hpl_misc.h', needed by
HPL_dlacpy.o’. Stop.
make[2]: Leaving directory /net/user/erasmussen/hpl-2.0_FERMI_v13/src/auxil/CUDA' make[1]: *** [build_src] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [build] Error 2
Does anyone have much experience with HPL?
Here is my Make.CUDA file:
SHELL = /bin/sh
CD = cd
CP = cp
LN_S = ln -fs
MKDIR = mkdir -p
RM = /bin/rm -f
TOUCH = touch
- Platform identifier ------------------------------------------------
- HPL Directory Structure / HPL library ------------------------------
Set TOPdir to the location of where this is being built
ifndef TOPdir
TOPdir = /net/user/erasmussen/hpl-2.0_FERMI_v13
INCdir = -I$(TOPdir)/include
BINdir = $(TOPdir)/bin/$(ARCH)
LIBdir = $(TOPdir)/lib/$(ARCH)
HPLlib = $(LIBdir)/libhpl.a
- Message Passing library (MPI) --------------------------------------
MPinc tells the C compiler where to find the Message Passing library
header files, MPlib is defined to be the name of the library to be
used. The variable MPdir is only used for defining 0MPinc and MPlib.
MPdir = /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.4.3
MPinc = -I$(MPdir)/include
MPlib = $(MPdir)/lib64/libmpi.so
#MPlib = $(MPdir)/lib64/libmpich.a
- Linear Algebra library (BLAS) -----------------------------
LAinc tells the C compiler where to find the Linear Algebra library
header files, LAlib is defined to be the name of the library to be
used. The variable LAdir is only used for defining LAinc and LAlib.
#LAdir = $(TOPdir)/…/…/lib/em64t
LAdir = /usr/local/cuda
LAinc = -I$(LAdir)/include
#LAlib = -L /home/cuda/Fortran_Cuda_Blas -ldgemm -L/usr/local/cuda/lib -lcublas -L$(LAdir) -lmkl -lguide -lpthread
LAlib = -L $(LAdir)/lib64 -libcublas.so.4.0.17
- HPL includes / libraries / specifics -------------------------------
HPL_INCLUDES = -I$(INCdir) -I$(INCdir)/$(ARCH) $(LAinc) $(MPinc) -I/usr/local/cuda/include
HPL_LIBS = $(HPLlib) $(LAlib) $(MPlib)
- Compile time options -----------------------------------------------
-DHPL_COPY_L force the copy of the panel L before bcast;
-DHPL_CALL_CBLAS call the cblas interface;
-DHPL_DETAILED_TIMING enable detailed timers;
-DASYOUGO enable timing information as you go (nonintrusive)
-DASYOUGO2 slightly intrusive timing information
-DASYOUGO2_DISPLAY display detailed DGEMM information
-DENDEARLY end the problem early
-DFASTSWAP insert to use DLASWP instead of HPL code
By default HPL will:
*) not copy L before broadcast,
*) call the BLAS Fortran 77 interface,
*) not display detailed timing information.
- Compilers / linkers - Optimization flags ---------------------------
next two lines for GNU Compilers:
CC = mpicc
CCFLAGS = $(HPL_DEFS) -fomit-frame-pointer -O3 -funroll-loops -W -Wall -fopenmp
next two lines for Intel Compilers:
CC = mpicc
#CCFLAGS = $(HPL_DEFS) -O3 -axS -w -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops -openmp
On some platforms, it is necessary to use the Fortran linker to find
the Fortran internals used in the BLAS library.
#LINKFLAGS = $(CCFLAGS) -static_mpi
RANLIB = echo
MAKE = make TOPdir=$(TOPdir)