Complex number with (kind=8) generates error in deep copy

In an attempt to test the derived types, openacc and CUDA Fortran together, I came upon an error. When I try to copy the derived type to the Device using OpenACC directives, I get the following error.
NVFORTRAN-F-0155-Compiler failed to translate accelerator region (see -Minfo messages): Unexpected Data Type in Deep Copy
Apparently, it is caused by Complex(kind=8) within the module MOLECULE. If I change it to (kind=4) or comment it out, it works fine.
My question here is that Complex(kind=8) works fine when using direct transfer (Given below under the heading INDEPENDENT PROGRAM) via assignment but generates error when using deepcopy option wih openacc. According to the SDK Documentation (CUDA Fortran Programming Guide Version 22.7 for ARM, OpenPower, x86), kind=4 and kind=8 both are supported, So why do I get error in deepcopy with kind=8 in the dervied type?

type :: molecule_details
real(kind=8) :: try = 0.0
integer, allocatable :: p_num(:)
character(1), allocatable :: name(:)
character(1), allocatable :: tag(:,:)
complex(kind = 8), allocatable :: orientation(:)
end type molecule_details
end module MOLECULE

module global
use MOLECULE, only: molecule_details
type (molecule_details), allocatable, target :: atoms(:)
integer :: constituents
end module global

module mathOps
use global
attributes(global) subroutine banker(x, a, SIZE)
implicit none
type (molecule_details) :: x(*)
integer, value :: SIZE
integer :: j,k
real, value :: a
integer :: i

i = blockDim%x * (blockIdx%x - 1) + threadIdx%x

if (i <= SIZE) then
x(i)%name(1) = ‘R’
x(i)%name(2) = ‘A’
do j=1,30
do k=1,30
if(x(i)%tag(1,1) == ‘M’ .and. x(i)%tag(3,3) == ‘R’) then
x(i)%tag(1,1) = ‘B’
x(i)%tag(2,2) = ‘U’
x(i)%tag(3,3) = ‘F’
end if
end do
end do
x(i)%try = x(i)%try + a
x(i)%p_num(1) = x(i)%p_num(1) + a
end if

end subroutine banker
end module mathOps

program test_deep_copy
use mathOps; use global; use cudafor; use openacc
implicit none
real :: a
integer :: i
type(dim3) :: grid, tBlock
integer(kind=cuda_stream_kind) istr, isync

isync = 0
constituents = 10000
a = 2.
tBlock = dim3(256,1,1)
grid = dim3(ceiling(real(constituents)/tBlock%x),1,1)
DO i=1,constituents
allocate(atoms(i)%tag(30, 30))
atoms(i)%tag(1,1) = ‘M’
atoms(i)%tag(3,3) = ‘R’
end do
print*, 'The name of atoms(1) before Kernel call is ', atoms(1)%name
print*, ’ The tag of atoms(1) before Kernel call is ', atoms(1)%tag
write(,) atoms(1)%try
write(,) atoms(10000)%p_num(1)

!$acc enter data copyin(atoms(:), constituents, a)
!$acc host_data use_device(atoms)
istr = acc_get_cuda_stream(isync)
call banker<<<grid, tBlock>>>(atoms, a, constituents)
!$acc end host_data
!$acc wait
!$acc exit data copyout(atoms(:))

print*, 'The name of atoms(1) after Kernel call is ', atoms(1)%name
print*, ’ The tag of atoms(1) after Kernel call is ', atoms(1)%tag
end program test_deep_copy

module simpleOps_m

    attributes(global) subroutine increment(a, b, ca)
        implicit none
        integer, intent(inout) :: a(:)
        integer, value :: b
        complex(kind=8), allocatable :: ca
        integer :: i
        write (*,*) 'Complex number is ', ca(2)
        i = threadIdx % x
        a(i) = a(i)+b
    end subroutine increment
  end module simpleOps_m
  program incrementTestGPU
    use cudafor
    use simpleOps_m
    implicit none
    complex(kind=8), allocatable :: ca
    integer, parameter :: n = 256
    integer :: a(n), b
    integer, device    :: a_d(n)
    complex(kind=8), device, allocatable    :: ca_d
    ca(1) = (1,1)
    ca(2) = (2,2)
    a = 1
    b = 3
    write(*,*) ' Complex Number is ', ca
    a_d = a
    ca_d = ca
    call increment<<<1,n>>>(a_d, b, ca_d)
    a = a_d
    if(any(a/=4)) then
       write(*,*) '*** Program Failed ***'
       write(*,*) 'Program Passed'
  end program incrementTestGPU

The HPC SDK version is 22.1 and I am using the deepcopy option while compiling.
Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Khokhar,

Sorry for the delay. I sent an email to one of our engineers about this, but he hasn’t gotten back to me as of yet. I’ll ping him again.


He got back to me and thinks its a compiler error and will investigate further. I added a problem report (TPR #31862) to track.


Thank you Mat.

There was a mistake in the INDEPENDENT PROGRAM. The corrected program is as below (for reference).

  module simpleOps_m
    attributes(global) subroutine increment(a, b, ca)
        implicit none
        integer, intent(inout) :: a(:)
        integer, value :: b            
        complex(kind=8) :: ca(:)
        integer :: i
        write (*,*) 'Complex number is ', ca(2)
        i = threadIdx % x
        a(i) = a(i)+b
    end subroutine increment
  end module simpleOps_m
  program incrementTestGPU
    use cudafor
    use simpleOps_m
    implicit none
    complex(kind=8), allocatable :: ca(:)
    integer, parameter :: n = 256
    integer :: a(n), b
    integer, device    :: a_d(n)
    complex(kind=8), device, allocatable    :: ca_d(:)
    ca(1) = (1,1)
    ca(2) = (2,2)
    a = 1
    b = 3
    write(*,*) ' Complex Number is ', ca
    a_d = a
    ca_d = ca
    call increment<<<1,n>>>(a_d, b, ca_d)
    a = a_d
    if(any(a/=4)) then
       write(*,*) '*** Program Failed ***'
       write(*,*) 'Program Passed'
  end program incrementTestGPU

FYI, TPR #31862, was fixed in the 22.7 release.

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Thank you Mat.

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