Compute Inverse kinematics using LulaKinematicsSolver in RL library

Hi @swimpark


I really recommend you to move to the OmniIsaacGymEnvs RL Framework if you want to use massively parallel simulation.

I think the problem is that "/World/M1013" is not registered as an Articulation (or Robot) object.

Then, the line above is returning a NoneType object.
By the way, scene.get_object expect an Isaac Core object name rather than a prim path.

Wrap that prim with an Articulation (or Robot) class, and add the to the scene before passing it to the ArticulationKinematicsSolver

I think the LulaKinematicsSolver doesn’t support views and tensor API, so it will not be able to be used in parallel environments.

Have you tried differential inverse kinematic for RL.
In the case you will implementing your Rl environment in Isaac Orbit, visit Differential inverse kinematics (IK).
For OmniIsaacGymEnvs, you can see an example case in the skrl’s Real-world examples.

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