Hello, I am experiencing this problem too. I can’t use the C5 as a PCIe endpoint.
I did these steps:
- Download the latest Jetpack 6 and Jetson Linux 36.3 versions with the SDKManager 2.1.0.
- Configure the ODMDATA to
- Flash the Jetson with the SDKManager 2.1.0.
- After the startup of the Jetson, turn it off.
- Connect the PCIe cable to Jetson and Windows PC.
- Boot up the Jetson.
- Executing these steps from the PCIe Endpoint Mode part in the Jetson Linux Documentation.
- Boot the Windows PC.
Then, I followed the Testing Procuders part and I have encountered with RP DMA is not available error. I think this is occured because I am using Windows PC as the root but I am not sure.
So I have two questions:
- To use the PCIe endpoint, the root has to have the Linux OS?
- Afterwards I want to use the C5 and C7 as PCIe endpoints with a custom board. Can I activate and use them at the same time? Does Jetson have restrictions on using two PCIe endpoints at the same time?
Thanks in advance.