Confusion about how the private clause is woring

I am confused about how the private clause in the following subroutine is working. I have arrays named ‘F_L’, ‘F_R’ and ‘variable’ in my subroutine which I have declared as private. The issue is that, the private clause is working only when I am using it beside the vector clause (innermost loop) but not working when I am putting it at the Gang level. In either of the cases I am not seeing any errors in the -Minfo messages. I am confused why private clause in not working when it was put at the gang level.

I am guessing it has something to do with the IF conditions in the subroutine. Also, is there any advice of how loop scheduling be done when these kind of multiple IF and IFELSE conditions are present in the loops?

Subroutine (with the private clause at vector level):


	! Task: Given primitave vars on the cell faces (Qp_iphR, Qp_iphL), find "FLUX ON EACH FACE"

	use declare_variables
	implicit none

	!Variables for HLLC
	double precision, dimension(0:NImax, NJmax, NKmax, nblocks, nconserv) :: Fflux_iph
	double precision :: Rho_L, Rho_R, Ux_L, Ux_R, Uy_L, Uy_R, Uz_L, Uz_R, P_L, P_R, C_L, C_R, E_L, E_R, h_L, h_R, E_local
	double precision :: U_contra_L, U_contra_R, S_L, S_R, S, S_star
	double precision, dimension(nconserv) :: F_L, F_R, variable
	double precision :: sqrt_rho_L, sqrt_rho_R, Rho, divisor, u_average, v_average
	double precision :: w_average, h_average, uvw_average,ucontra_ave, C_average
	!$acc data create(Fflux_iph) 
	!$acc parallel loop gang collapse(3) default(present)
	DO nbl = 1,nblocks
    DO k = 1, NKmax
    DO j = 1, NJmax
	!$acc loop vector private(F_L,F_R,variable)
    DO i = 0, NImax
	if (k.le.NK(nbl).and.j.le.NJ(nbl).and.i.le.NI(nbl)) then
		!Local variables
		Rho_L = Qp_iphL(i,j,k,nbl,1)
		Rho_R = Qp_iphR(i,j,k,nbl,1)
		Ux_L = Qp_iphL(i,j,k,nbl,2)
		Ux_R = Qp_iphR(i,j,k,nbl,2)
		Uy_L = Qp_iphL(i,j,k,nbl,3)
		Uy_R = Qp_iphR(i,j,k,nbl,3)
		Uz_L = Qp_iphL(i,j,k,nbl,4)
		Uz_R = Qp_iphR(i,j,k,nbl,4)
		P_L = Qp_iphL(i,j,k,nbl,5)
		P_R = Qp_iphR(i,j,k,nbl,5)
		C_L = Sqrt(Gamma*P_L/Rho_L*(Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2+Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2+Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2))
		C_R = Sqrt(Gamma*P_R/Rho_R*(Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2+Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2+Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2))
		E_L = P_L/(Gamma-1.d0) + Rho_L*(Ux_L**2+Uy_L**2+Uz_L**2)/2.d0
		E_R = P_R/(Gamma-1.d0) + Rho_R*(Ux_R**2+Uy_R**2+Uz_R**2)/2.d0
		h_L = (E_L + P_L)/Rho_L
		h_R = (E_R + P_R)/Rho_R
		U_contra_L = Ux_L*Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl) + Uy_L*Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl) + Uz_L*Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)
		U_contra_R = Ux_R*Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl) + Uy_R*Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl) + Uz_R*Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)
		! Roe averaging
		sqrt_rho_L = sqrt(Rho_L)
		sqrt_rho_R = sqrt(Rho_R)
		Rho = sqrt(Rho_R/Rho_L)*Rho_L
		divisor	   = 1.d0/(sqrt_rho_R+sqrt_rho_L)
		h_average   = ((h_L*sqrt_rho_L) + (h_R*sqrt_rho_R))*divisor
		u_average 	= ((Ux_L*sqrt_rho_L) + (Ux_R*sqrt_rho_R))*divisor
		v_average 	= ((Uy_L*sqrt_rho_L) + (Uy_R*sqrt_rho_R))*divisor
		w_average 	= ((Uz_L*sqrt_rho_L) + (Uz_R*sqrt_rho_R))*divisor
		ucontra_ave	= u_average*Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl) + v_average*Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl) + w_average*Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)
		uvw_average = 0.5d0 * (u_average**2.d0 + v_average**2.d0 + w_average**2.d0)
		C_average 	= sqrt((gamma-1.d0)*(h_average - uvw_average))*SQRT(Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2+Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2+Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2)

		! Wave speeds
		S_L = MIN(U_contra_L - C_L, ucontra_ave - C_average)
		S_R = MAX(U_contra_R + C_R, ucontra_ave + C_average)
		!S_L = MIN(U_contra_L - C_L, U_contra_R - C_R)
		!S_R = MAX(U_contra_L + C_L, U_contra_R + C_R)
		S_star = (Rho_R*U_contra_R*(S_R-U_contra_R) - Rho_L*U_contra_L*(S_L-U_contra_L) &
				+ (P_L-P_R)*(Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2+Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2+Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2)) &
				/(Rho_R*(S_R-U_contra_R) - Rho_L*(S_L-U_contra_L))
		!Step3: Estimate fluxes
		F_L(1) = (rho_L*U_contra_L) /Jac_iph(i,j,k,nbl)
		F_L(2) = (rho_L*U_contra_L*Ux_L + P_L*Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl)) /Jac_iph(i,j,k,nbl)
		F_L(3) = (rho_L*U_contra_L*Uy_L + P_L*Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl)) /Jac_iph(i,j,k,nbl)
		F_L(4) = ((rho_L*U_contra_L*Uz_L + P_L*Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)) /Jac_iph(i,j,k,nbl))*(1-f2D)
		F_L(5) = (E_L + P_L) * U_contra_L /Jac_iph(i,j,k,nbl)
		F_R(1) = (rho_R*U_contra_R) /Jac_iph(i,j,k,nbl)
		F_R(2) = (rho_R*U_contra_R*Ux_R + P_R*Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl)) /Jac_iph(i,j,k,nbl)
		F_R(3) = (rho_R*U_contra_R*Uy_R + P_R*Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl)) /Jac_iph(i,j,k,nbl)
		F_R(4) = ((rho_R*U_contra_R*Uz_R + P_R*Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)) /Jac_iph(i,j,k,nbl))*(1-f2D)
		F_R(5) = (E_R + P_R) * U_contra_R /Jac_iph(i,j,k,nbl)
		IF (S_L>=0.d0)THEN
			Fflux_iph(i,j,k,nbl,:) = F_L(:)
		ELSEIF(S_L<=0.d0 .and. S_star>=0.d0) THEN
			variable(1) = 1.d0
			variable(2) = (S_star*Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl) + Ux_L*(Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2+Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2) &
						- Uy_L*Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl)*Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl)- Uz_L*Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl)*Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl))&
			variable(3) = (S_star*Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl) - Ux_L*(Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl)*Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl)) &
						+ Uy_L*(Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2+Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2) - Uz_L*(Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl)*Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)))&
			variable(4) = (S_star*Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl) - Ux_L*(Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl)*Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)) &
						- Uy_L*(Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl)*Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)) + Uz_L*(Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2+Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2))&
			variable(5) = E_L/Rho_L+ (S_star - U_contra_L)*(S_star/(Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2+Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2+Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2)&
							+P_L/(Rho_L*(S_L - U_contra_L)))
			Fflux_iph(i,j,k,nbl,1) = F_L(1) + S_L*(Rho_L*(S_L - U_contra_L)/(S_L - S_star) *variable(1) - Rho_L)/Jac_iph(i,j,k,nbl)
			Fflux_iph(i,j,k,nbl,2) = F_L(2) + S_L*(Rho_L*(S_L - U_contra_L)/(S_L - S_star) *variable(2) - Rho_L*Ux_L)/Jac_iph(i,j,k,nbl)
			Fflux_iph(i,j,k,nbl,3) = F_L(3) + S_L*(Rho_L*(S_L - U_contra_L)/(S_L - S_star) *variable(3) - Rho_L*Uy_L)/Jac_iph(i,j,k,nbl)
			Fflux_iph(i,j,k,nbl,4) = (F_L(4) + S_L*(Rho_L*(S_L - U_contra_L)/(S_L - S_star) &
									*variable(4) - Rho_L*Uz_L)/Jac_iph(i,j,k,nbl))*(1-f2D)
			Fflux_iph(i,j,k,nbl,5) = F_L(5) + S_L*(Rho_L*(S_L - U_contra_L)/(S_L - S_star) *variable(5) - E_L)/Jac_iph(i,j,k,nbl)
		ELSEIF(S_star<=0.d0 .and. S_R>=0.d0) THEN
			variable(1) = 1.d0
			variable(2) = (S_star*Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl) + Ux_R*(Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2+Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2) &
						- Uy_R*Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl)*Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl)- Uz_R*Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl)*Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl))&
			variable(3) = (S_star*Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl) - Ux_R*(Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl)*Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl)) &
						+ Uy_R*(Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2+Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2)- Uz_R*(Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl)*Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)))&
			variable(4) = (S_star*Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl) - Ux_R*(Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl)*Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)) &
						- Uy_R*(Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl)*Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)) + Uz_R*(Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2+Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2))&
			variable(5) = E_R/Rho_R+ (S_star - U_contra_R)*(S_star/(Ix_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2+Iy_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2+Iz_iph(i,j,k,nbl)**2)&
							+P_R/(Rho_R*(S_R - U_contra_R)))
			Fflux_iph(i,j,k,nbl,1) = F_R(1) + S_R*(Rho_R*(S_R - U_contra_R)/(S_R - S_star) *variable(1) - Rho_R)/Jac_iph(i,j,k,nbl)
			Fflux_iph(i,j,k,nbl,2) = F_R(2) + S_R*(Rho_R*(S_R - U_contra_R)/(S_R - S_star) *variable(2) - Rho_R*Ux_R)/Jac_iph(i,j,k,nbl)
			Fflux_iph(i,j,k,nbl,3) = F_R(3) + S_R*(Rho_R*(S_R - U_contra_R)/(S_R - S_star) *variable(3) - Rho_R*Uy_R)/Jac_iph(i,j,k,nbl)
			Fflux_iph(i,j,k,nbl,4) = (F_R(4)+S_R*(Rho_R*(S_R-U_contra_R)/(S_R-S_star)*variable(4)-Rho_R*Uz_R)/Jac_iph(i,j,k,nbl))*(1-f2D)
			Fflux_iph(i,j,k,nbl,5) = F_R(5) + S_R*(Rho_R*(S_R - U_contra_R)/(S_R - S_star) *variable(5) - E_R)/Jac_iph(i,j,k,nbl)
		ELSEIF(S_R<= 0.d0) THEN
			Fflux_iph(i,j,k,nbl,:) = F_R(:)
	!$acc parallel loop gang collapse(4) default(present)
	DO n_cons = 1,nconserv
	DO nbl = 1,nblocks
    DO k = 1, NKmax
    DO j = 1, NJmax
	!$acc loop vector
    DO i = 1, NImax
		if (k.le.NK(nbl).and.j.le.NJ(nbl).and.i.le.NI(nbl)) then
		! Residual_RHS(i,j,k,nbl,n_cons) = Residual_RHS(i,j,k,nbl,n_cons) - &
										! (Fflux_iph(i,j,k,nbl,n_cons) - Fflux_iph(i-1,j,k,nbl,n_cons))
		Residual_RHS(i,j,k,nbl,n_cons) = -(Fflux_iph(i,j,k,nbl,n_cons) - Fflux_iph(i-1,j,k,nbl,n_cons))
	!$acc end data

-Minfo message with private clause given at vector level:

!$acc data create(Fflux_iph) 
!$acc parallel loop gang collapse(3) default(present)
DO nbl = 1,nblocks
DO k = 1, NKmax
DO j = 1, NJmax
!$acc loop vector private(F_L,F_R,variable) 
DO i = 0, NImax

   1237, Generating create(fflux_iph(:,:,:,:,:)) [if not already present]
   1238, Generating Tesla code
       1239, !$acc loop gang collapse(3) ! blockidx%x
       1240,   ! blockidx%x collapsed
       1241,   ! blockidx%x collapsed
       1243, !$acc loop vector(128) ! threadidx%x
       1307, !$acc loop seq
       1362, !$acc loop seq
   1238, Generating default present(iz_iph(0:nimax,1:njmax,1:nkmax,1:nblocks),ix_iph(0:nimax,1:njmax,1:nkmax,1:nblocks),iy_iph(0:nimax,1:njmax,1:nkmax,1:nblocks),qp_iphr(0:nimax,1:njmax,1:nkmax,1:nblocks,1:5),qp_iphl(0:nimax,1:njmax,1:nkmax,1:nblocks,1:5),nk(1:nblocks),jac_iph(0:nimax,1:njmax,1:nkmax,1:nblocks),ni(1:nblocks),nj(1:nblocks))
   1243, Loop is parallelizable
   1307, Loop is parallelizable
   1362, Loop is parallelizable
   1374, Generating Tesla code
       1375, !$acc loop gang collapse(4) ! blockidx%x
       1376,   ! blockidx%x collapsed
       1377,   ! blockidx%x collapsed
       1378,   ! blockidx%x collapsed
       1380, !$acc loop vector(128) ! threadidx%x
   1374, Generating default present(nj(1:nblocks),ni(1:nblocks),residual_rhs(1:nimax,1:njmax,1:nkmax,1:nblocks,1:nconserv),nk(1:nblocks))
   1380, Loop is parallelizable

-Minfo message with private clause given at ganglevel:

!$acc data create(Fflux_iph) 
!$acc parallel loop gang collapse(3) private(F_L,F_R,variable) default(present)
DO nbl = 1,nblocks
DO k = 1, NKmax
DO j = 1, NJmax
!$acc loop vector 
DO i = 0, NImax

-Minfo message

   1237, Generating create(fflux_iph(:,:,:,:,:)) [if not already present]
   1238, Generating Tesla code
       1239, !$acc loop gang collapse(3) ! blockidx%x
       1240,   ! blockidx%x collapsed
       1241,   ! blockidx%x collapsed
       1243, !$acc loop vector(128) ! threadidx%x
       1307, !$acc loop seq
       1362, !$acc loop seq
   1238, Generating default present(iz_iph(0:nimax,1:njmax,1:nkmax,1:nblocks),ix_iph(0:nimax,1:njmax,1:nkmax,1:nblocks),iy_iph(0:nimax,1:njmax,1:nkmax,1:nblocks),qp_iphr(0:nimax,1:njmax,1:nkmax,1:nblocks,1:5),qp_iphl(0:nimax,1:njmax,1:nkmax,1:nblocks,1:5),nk(1:nblocks),jac_iph(0:nimax,1:njmax,1:nkmax,1:nblocks),ni(1:nblocks),nj(1:nblocks))
   1243, Loop is parallelizable
   1307, Loop is parallelizable
   1362, Loop is parallelizable
   1374, Generating Tesla code
       1375, !$acc loop gang collapse(4) ! blockidx%x
       1376,   ! blockidx%x collapsed
       1377,   ! blockidx%x collapsed
       1378,   ! blockidx%x collapsed
       1380, !$acc loop vector(128) ! threadidx%x
   1374, Generating default present(nj(1:nblocks),ni(1:nblocks),residual_rhs(1:nimax,1:njmax,1:nkmax,1:nblocks,1:nconserv),nk(1:nblocks))
   1380, Loop is parallelizable

By “not working” I’m assuming you’re meaning that you’re getting incorrect results? If so, then yes that would happen in this case.

The ‘private’ clause tells the compiler to create a private copy of the variables included in the list for each loop iteration on which the clause appears. However for loops nested within these, the variable would be shared amongst the loop iterations. In other words, a private on a gang loops is private to each gang but shared amongst the gang’s workers and vectors. A private on worker loop is private to the worker but shared by the vectors. Private on a vector loops is private to each vector.

Looking at “F_L”, you set each element to a value within the vector loop. If you make this private to the gang, all vectors will be updating the same memory memory. This causes a race condition since the value will be whichever vector updated it last.

I am guessing it has something to do with the IF conditions in the subroutine. Also, is there any advice of how loop scheduling be done when these kind of multiple IF and IFELSE conditions are present in the loops?

The conditionals have no effect on the private clause.

Note that the compiler feedback messages only print items that are tunable and performance relevant. Hence, it wont show information about ‘private’ except when it’s able to use CUDA shared or local memory to store the private variables.

Note that since you’re using ‘parallel’, you are asserting to the compiler that it’s safe to parallelize. Hence it’s your responsibility to ensure there’s no dependencies. Instead, you may consider using a ‘kernels’ compute directive instead. With ‘kernels’, the compiler will perform a dependency analysis and only parallelize if it finds it’s safe to do so. So if you didn’t privatize these arrays on the vector loop then it’s unlikely the compiler would parallelize this loop. Now the compiler does need to be conservative so may find a dependency which you know are ok, so you can override this by using the ‘independent’ clause on the loop directive. However in this case, you are aware of the potential dependency.

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So, its always safe to put the private clause on the vectors, right? It will always avoid the race condition…isnt’it?

It’s situational. More often I see codes where we want the array to be private to the outer loop and shared on the inner loops.

In your case, it may be more performant to use 5 scalars each rather than multiple 5 element private arrays since the scalars would be stored in registers. However, you do already have a lot of scalars, so your register usage may be high so adding more scalars may actually be detrimental. Worth an experiment.

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