Connect two adapters without switch?

Trying to setup two nodes between adapters to test machine learning lab but do not have switch. I heard about using opensm, any guidance on this configuration?

Hello, Dennis Lawler.

I also have two adapters and without a switch.

But I connect them with one cable directly and it works.

[I try this on two CX5 cards and two CX3 cards].


If I understand correctly, You are trying to setup the two servers with an InfiniBand connection between. If this is not the case, you don’t need the OpenSM.

You can start by installing the driver package provided by Mellanox

The package contains the driver and the OpenSM package within.

Once you got the driver going, you will need to start the OpenSM server only on one of the servers. Just start the service using the default parameters - should get you going.

Along with the above driver, you will find the release notes - check that the OS you have is supported by this driver. Then, check out the user guide for specific commands explaining how to start the driver and the OpenSM process.

Hope it helps…