Convert a c++ e power x program to cuda

Hi, the c++ code calculates e^x, how do you start converting it to cuda?

// emachtx.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.


#include "stdafx.h"

#include <cmath>

#include <string>

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

double Abs(double Nbr)


if( Nbr >= 0 )

return Nbr;


return -Nbr;


int main ()


string again;



double term = 1, som = 1;

int fac = 1, n = 1;

int x;

double Number = -88;

double Nbr = Abs(Number);

cout << "The absolute value of " << Number << " is " << Nbr << endl;


cout << "Geef x in:\n";

cin >> x;

cout << "X bedraagt: " << x << "\n";

//emachtx berkenen

while (term >= 0.000001) {

term = pow((double)x,n) / fac;


term = Abs(term);


fac *= n;

int absfac = Abs(fac);

cout << absfac;

som += term;

cout << "(" << (n-1) << "): term : " << term << " - som : " << som << "\n";


cout << "Aantal keer door de lus : " << n << "\n";

cout << "\nNog eens ? ";

cin >> again;

cout << "\n";

} while (again == "y");
