Converting TF Model to TensorRT UFF Format

They are inside my model. I have tried with other nodes as well such as detection_scores, detection_boxes, detection_classes and neither of them works.

Do you have a working sample that converts a tensorflow pb file to uff file

How to give two output names to the function “uff.from_tensorflow_frozen_model” ?

Thank you

Hi, uvindusanda

Try this:

output_names = ['A','B','C',....]
uff_model = uff.from_tensorflow_frozen_model(frozen_graph_filename, output_names)



I was facing the same issue. I realized that the nodes that are not recognized by uff are Identity ops. I put the names of the nodes that produce the Identity nodes to the output_nodes argument to solve the issue.

Is there any tutorial for tensorflow 2 saved model format? I searched around and only saw topics for frozen graph

Did you find something for tensorflow 2 saved model format?