Convex hulls in Maya 2013 with PhysxForMaya (2.86.00820.10150)

In the latest version of the Maya plugin the convex hulls and their creation seems to have been broken.

Shapes that with earlier versions of the plugin could be converted to convex hulls perfectly now get convex hulls that look very weird.

In some scene files already converted convex hull shapes gets turned into capsule shapes instead and we are unable to convert them back to convex hulls using our specific convex hull creation meshes. The shapes seem to be correct until we try to simulate the scene in maya at which point they turn into capsules.

Maya version: Maya 2013 x64 Sp1
Plugin version: PhysxForMaya (2.86.00820.10150), compiled 8/19/2012 1:03:57 AM
Running in 3.x mode

I cannot reproduce this issue. Can you send us a sample to reproduce this bug?
My email is

This issue seems to have gone away with the latest build of the plugin. Atleast in all scenes that we have tried it on.

Thank you for the reply.