Could tx2 JetPack4.5 kernel running on JetPack4.2?

Could tx2 JetPack4.5 kernel running on JetPack4.2?

Why need for this? Even it can boost to the system may have unknow problem.

I got tx2 power up issue before, tx2 kernel krash when power up. TX2 kernel crash when power up - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson TX2 - NVIDIA Developer Forums
and now I found if I changed tx2 jetpack version to Jetpack4.5.1 the same tx2 and same carrier board will power up success all the time.
we have a lot of tx2-products have been sold, not easy to upgrade Jetpack version but kernel & dtb is easy to upgrade.

Could you confirm if update dtb help on it first.

JetPack4.2, with or without my modification will got kernel panic problems.

do you mean jetpack4.5 dtb?


You can try to copy …/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader folder from J4.5 to J4.2 and issue flash command to try if can boot on failed device to confirm if the boot up issue relative with kernel or bootloader.

cp bootloader folder and then flash system.img?

I think you have J4.2 and J4.5 two folder, just copy bootloader from J4.5 to J4.2 and issue the flash command.