I’ve been opening the kit-project-template with success and making my own changes with adding in new extensions. However, I’ve recently started getting an error trying to open the kit-project-template, even with a reboot of the computer and fresh clone of the kit-project-template repository and following the build instructions.
Not sure what caused these errors to occur but I was downloading different kit versions/isaac sim at the same time, and previously have had some dependency issues within the kit-project itself
My error log is attached
crash_2024-06-06_14-27-09_8452.txt (9.9 KB)
Some other (related) questions:
[This] section of the kit-project-template mentions a “local user file” file that enabled extensions live in. Where can I find this file?
How can I change the version of my kit-project-template from 105.1 to some other version (e.g. 106.0)?