CSI Trace log

I am checking the operation of the camera input on the MIPI I/F with trace logging enabled.
I am referring to the Jetson/l4t/Camera BringUp (Jetson/l4t/Camera BringUp - eLinux.org).

There are six questions I would like to ask.

  1. I understand that the information output in the trace log can tell us if there are connection errors or malfunctions in the camera communication, is this correct?

  2. Is there a way to determine whether an error is resolved or unresolved from the information output in the trace log?

  3. Is there a document that describes what each value (CHANSEL_NOMATCH, CSIMUX_STREAM, etc.) output to “tag” means as a keyword?
    Is there a document that describes the format of “data” in “tag” as well?

4.It’s same “tag” in rtcpu_vinotify_event and rtcpu_vinotify_error.
Is there a difference in normality and abnormality between event and error with the same “tag”?

rtcpu_vinotify_error: tstamp:30979959918 cch:-1 vi:0 tag:CSIMUX_FRAME channel:0x01 frame:0 vi_tstamp:991358572448 data:0x00000000000000a4
rtcpu_vinotify_event: tstamp:30980458431 cch:-1 vi:0 tag:CSIMUX_FRAME channel:0x01 frame:0 vi_tstamp:991358572448 data:0x00000000000000a4

5.If multiple cameras are connected, is it possible to identify which camera device the error information output to the trace log comes from?
Can the “cch” or “vi” number information be used to identify the camera?

6.Is there any way to detect camera communication connection errors other than detecting errors from the trace log?

target: Orin AGX
OS : Ubuntu20.04 L4T

Best regards

  1. Yes
  2. Suppose the don’t show the error if problem resolved.
  3. No public document.
  4. Event and error is different. Event would broken the capture thread but error may.
  5. the “cch” may be used to identify but vi can’t.
  6. No.

Thank you for early reply.

I would like to ask an additional question about No. 3 and No. 5.

  1. Is it possible to tell us what the following tags and data indicate?

    tag:CSIMUX_STREAM data:0x0000000000000001
    tag:CSIMUX_FRAME data:0x00000000000000a0
    tag:CHANSEL_NOMATCH data:0x00000000000003c9
    tag:CHANSEL_SHORT_FRAME data:0x0191200001000000
    tag:CHANSEL_SHORT_FRAME data:0x05ff200001000000
    tag:CHANSEL_SHORT_FRAME data:0x0547100001000000
    tag:CHANSEL_SHORT_FRAME data:0x05c1100001000000
    tag:CHANSEL_SHORT_FRAME data:0x05e4200001000000
    tag:CHANSEL_FAULT data:0x00000000050d0200

  2. How is the “cch” number determined?

Best regards

The “cch” is the channel id.
Suppose able to know it in Jetson/l4t/Camera BringUp - eLinux.org

Thank you for your response.
I have no additional questions.

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