cuBB End-to-End – Zero Uplink/Downlink Throughput Issue in Use Case 2

Hello Nvidia Support Team,

I am following the Aerial CUDA-Accelerated RAN 24-2.1 tutorial to install cuBB and run cuBB End-to-End. However, I don’t have an AX800 on GH200 or an A100X on Dell R750. Instead, my setup consists of two PCs, each with a GPU and a DPU:

cuBB Node:

  • GPU: RTX A6000
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-13700K (13th Gen)
  • Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX B660-A GAMING WIFI D4
  • DPU: BlueField-2 MBF2H532C-AECOT

RU Emulator Node:

  • GPU: GeForce RTX 2080
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-12700K (12th Gen)
  • Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX B660-A GAMING WIFI D4
  • DPU: BlueField-2 MBF2H332A-AEEOT

All requirements appear to be met, including kernel version, CUDA, Mellanox firmware, GDRCopy, Docker, NVIDIA container toolkit, NIC firmware, ptp4l, and phc2sys. Except that I have to the corresponding NIC firmware (e.g. fw-BlueField-2-rel-24_39_2048-MBF2H532C-AECO_Ax-NVME-20.4.1-UEFI-21.4.13-UEFI-22.4.12-UEFI-14.32.17-FlexBoot-3.7.300.signed.bin) for the DPUs I have.

I successfully ran Use Case 1 (testMAC + SCF L2 Adapter Standalone), and the results matched the tutorial examples.

However, in Use Case 2 (testMAC + cuPHYController_SCF + RU Emulator), I observe the following issue:

  • On the cuBB side, there is zero uplink throughput but non-zero downlink throughput.
  • On the RU Emulator side, there is zero downlink throughput but non-zero uplink throughput.

I guess that it probably means that the control plane (C-plane) is functional, but the user plane (U-plane) is not.


  1. Are there specific logs I can check to diagnose the issue?
  2. Could the issue be related to NUMA settings? I always see NUMA = "-1" when running sudo mst status -v, and I don’t know how to fix it.
  3. My DPUs do not support setting LINK_TYPE_P1. Does this matter?
  4. Are there any simple applications or sample tests to verify GPU-DPU communication on the same host? Maybe some tools/APIs from DOCA or DPDK?
  5. Any other debugging suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Enclosed please find the print screen of the cuBB terminal and RU emulater terminal

cuBB terminal

RU emulator terminal