
When I call the cublasDgemmBatched it correctly computes the matrix multiplications but returns a cublasStatus_t value of 13 (CUBLAS_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED). I don’t understand why it is returning that value. When I call cudaGetLastError() it returns “no error”.

It returns something like:
!! GPU program execution error on line 268 : stat=13, cudaError=0,(no error)
but subsequent kernel calls seem to fail.

#define CUBLAS_BATCHED_MM(Handle, OP1, OP2, M, N, K, alpha, A, lda, B, ldb, beta, C, ldc, nSegs) 
		stat = cublasDgemmBatched(Handle, OP1, OP2, M, N, K, &alpha, (const double **)A, lda, (const double **)B, ldb, &beta, C, ldc, nSegs); 
			error = cudaGetLastError(); 
			fprintf( stderr, "!! GPU program execution error on line %d : stat=%d, cudaError=%d,(%s)
", __LINE__, stat, error, cudaGetErrorString(error)); 
		error = cudaThreadSynchronize(); 
		if(error != cudaSuccess) 
			fprintf( stderr, "!! GPU program execution error on cudaThreadSynchronize on line %d: cudaError=%d,(%s)
", __LINE__, error,cudaGetErrorString(error)); 

void SetupBatchedMatrices(double *A, double ***devPtrA_dev, const int stride, const int N)

  double **devPtrA = NULL;
  devPtrA = (double**)malloc(N * sizeof(double *));

  //copy array memory locations
  for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    devPtrA[i] = A + stride * i;

  //cudamalloc array of pointers
  cudaError_t err1 = cudaMalloc((void**)devPtrA_dev, N * sizeof(double *));
  if(err1 != cudaSuccess)
    fprintf(stderr, "!!!! GPU memory allocation error
  err1 = cudaMemcpy(*devPtrA_dev, devPtrA, N * sizeof(double *), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
  if(err1 != cudaSuccess)
    fprintf(stderr, "!!!! Cannot copy pointer array to device


void cudaHDG<double>::GenMatrices_Z(Vector_d &Z_mats, Vector_d &E_mats, Vector_d &D1_mats, Vector_d &D2_mats,
												Vector_d &M_mats, IdxVector_d &EdgeMap)
  double **devPtrTemp_dev = NULL;
  double **devPtrTemp1_dev = NULL;
  double **devPtrTemp2_dev = NULL;

  int N = m_nMats;
  dim3 BLOCK, GRID;

  Vector_d Temp_mats(N * (m_nC * m_nC), 0);
  Vector_d Temp1_mats(N * (m_nC * m_nC), 0);
  Vector_d Temp2_mats(N * (m_nC * m_nC), 0);
  SetupBatchedMatrices(TPC(&Temp_mats[0]), &devPtrTemp_dev, m_nC * m_nC, N);
  SetupBatchedMatrices(TPC(&Temp1_mats[0]), &devPtrTemp1_dev, m_nC * m_nC, N);
  SetupBatchedMatrices(TPC(&Temp2_mats[0]), &devPtrTemp2_dev, m_nC * m_nC, N);

  double alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0;
  // D1 * M * D1^T
  CUBLAS_BATCHED_MM(m_cuHandle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, m_nC, m_nC, m_nC, alpha, (const double **)m_devPtrM_dev, m_nC,
                    (const double **)m_devPtrD1_dev, m_nC, beta, devPtrTemp_dev, m_nC, N);

  CUBLAS_BATCHED_MM(m_cuHandle, CUBLAS_OP_T, CUBLAS_OP_N, m_nC, m_nC, m_nC, alpha, (const double **)m_devPtrD1_dev, m_nC,
                    (const double **)devPtrTemp_dev, m_nC, beta, devPtrTemp1_dev, m_nC, N);

  // D2 * M * D2^T
  CUBLAS_BATCHED_MM(m_cuHandle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, m_nC, m_nC, m_nC, alpha, (const double **)m_devPtrM_dev, m_nC,
                    (const double **)m_devPtrD2_dev, m_nC, beta, devPtrTemp_dev, m_nC, N);

  CUBLAS_BATCHED_MM(m_cuHandle, CUBLAS_OP_T, CUBLAS_OP_N, m_nC, m_nC, m_nC, alpha, (const double **)m_devPtrD2_dev, m_nC,
                    (const double **)devPtrTemp_dev, m_nC, beta, devPtrTemp2_dev, m_nC, N);

  int group = 256 / (m_nEC*m_nEC);
  GRID = dim3(iDivUp(N, group), 1, 1);
  BLOCK = dim3(m_nEC, m_nEC, group);
  Z_matrix_kernel <<<GRID, BLOCK>>> (TPC(&Z_mats[0]), TPC(&E_mats[0]), TPC(&EdgeMap[0]), m_nMats, m_nC, m_nEC);

  cusp::blas::axpbypcz(Temp1_mats, Temp2_mats, Z_mats, Z_mats, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
  GRID = dim3(N, 1, 1);
  BLOCK = dim3(m_nC, m_nC, 1);
  if(m_nC <= 32)
	  Inverse_Kernel<32> <<<GRID, BLOCK>>> (TPC(&Z_mats[0]), m_nC);
	  Inverse_Kernel<64> <<<GRID, BLOCK>>> (TPC(&Z_mats[0]), m_nC);


This most likely means there was an access out of bounds during the batch processing on the GPU. It could also be that a CUDA error occured prior to invoking CUBLAS that was not checked (I see error checking in the code but did not verify every API call is checked).

I would suggest: Double check the size of all allocations and data copies, check error status of all allocations and copies, make sure host and device pointers are not inadvertently swapped, double check the sizes passed into CUBLAS.

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Hello,we had a similar issue with another cuBLAS API (cublasSgemm()), but our experience may still be relevant for you.

CUDA Toolkit 11.1 release notes mention an issue fixed in cuBLAS:

Fixed an issue that caused an Address out of bounds error when calling cublasSgemm() .

We had cublasSgemm() failing with CUBLAS_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED for us when built with 10.0 and running on Ampere GPU (3060 Ti). It ran fine on older GPUs (Pascal, Turing).
We had it run successfully on Ampere when we build it with CUDA 11.2.

Basically - try building against the newest CUDA Toolkit available and see if it helps.