CUDA 7 not seeing graphic card

On a Windows 7, 64bit, AUSU desktop, running a NVIDIA Quadro FX3800 with currect driver (all working correctly). Just downloaded CUDA 7.0 RC (network ver) and tried to run the .exe. Got error saying the Graphic Driver could not find the Graphic card. My understanding is all NVIDIA products are backward compatible to the drivers and cards. Anyone have an idea?

cc1.x GPUs are no longer supported. This is not just a CUDA statement, but a GPU driver statement.

CUDA 7 requires a 346.xx or newer driver. Support for cc1.x GPUs was dropped in 343 driver branch.

CUDA 6.5/r340 drivers are the last to support cc1.x GPUs.

Quadro FX 3800 is a cc1.3 GPU.


Sorry to hear that. Need to change the advertising! I checked before download and site said card was supported. Thanks!

I’m not really sure what you’re referring to. I looked at the website where you download the CUDA 7 installers, and I don’t see anything about support for these GPUs. In the Release Notes link immediately to the right of the download links, it states:

CUDA Toolkit and CUDA Driver Support for Tesla Architecture
The CUDA Toolkit and CUDA Driver no longer supports the sm_10, sm_11, sm_12,
and sm_13 architectures. As a consequence, CU_TARGET_COMPUTE_1x enum values
have been removed from the CUDA headers.