CUDA 9.0 is failing md5sum for Opensuse422 version

CUDA 9.0 (local rpm) Opensuse422 version is failing md5sum after downloading.
I have downloaded quite a few times and still it fails md5sum

md5sum cuda-repo-opensuse422-9-0-local-9.0.176-1.x86_64.rpm
116f983da4118270ce50bee752dd4227 cuda-repo-opensuse422-9-0-local-9.0.176-1.x86_64.rpm

Plus it fails to install using rpm -i

It fails to install using the .RUN file due to the run file not being the complete size nor the checksum, they dont match.

So it’s both the…run and .rpm thats fails to download correctly

I started trying to use the RPM but that trtied installing the Nvidia Repo nvidia driver. I have Nvidia installed from the .run file because i like having OpenGLX not buggering off randomly.

Here is the proof that the checksums dont match for the run file. i used Wget to download the run file to make sure it wasnt chrome. i even have video footage once i get it edited.