Cuda and Vision Works Demos

I saw on the end of the Jetsonhacks install video that he ran some demos. However he doesn’t explain how to launch. How do you run these?

Hi vondalej, here are the instructions to run the samples for CUDA and VisionWorks:

CUDA samples

$ /usr/local/cuda/bin/ ~
$ cd ~/NVIDIA_CUDA-10.0_Samples/
$ make
$ cd bin/aarch64/linux/release
$ ./matrixMul

There are lots of CUDA samples that get built to that bin/aarch64/linux/release directory that you can run.

VisionWorks samples

$ /usr/share/visionworks/sources/
$ cd ~/VisionWorks-1.6-Samples
$ make
$ cd bin/aarch64/linux/release
$ ./nvx_demo_feature_tracker

There are other VisionWorks samples built to this directory that you can run too, like nvx_demo_motion_estimation, nvx_demo_hough_transform, nvx_demo_stereo_matching, nvx_demo_video_stabilizer, ect. Run ‘ls’ from this directory to list them all.

And there are more samples located at /usr/share/visionworks-sfm and /usr/share/visionworks-tracking which you can install and run the same way.


Thanks! Found it after i posted