CUDA_DEVICE_WAITS_ON_EXCEPTION renders the driver unusable if an exception happens

This happens with L4T R24.1 64-bit. I’m including an example of this problem:

#include <stdio.h>

__global__ void VecInc(float*  vec,
                       int     N)
   int i = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
   if (i < N) {
      vec[i] = vec[i] + 1.0;

#define blockCount   256
#define numBlocks   5000

int main(int argc, char** argv)
   // Arays are only size blockCount.
   float*  h_vec;
   cudaHostAlloc((void**)&h_vec, blockCount * sizeof(float),
                 cudaHostAllocPortable | cudaHostAllocWriteCombined);
   float*  d_vec;
   cudaMalloc((void**)&d_vec, blockCount * sizeof(float));
   cudaMemcpy(d_vec, h_vec, blockCount * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

   // Claim that arrays have numBlocks * blockCount elements.  Gonna be ugly.
   VecInc<<<numBlocks, blockCount>>>(d_vec, numBlocks * blockCount);
   cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
   if (err != cudaSuccess) {
      fprintf(stderr, "kernel launch failure: %s (%d)\n",
              cudaGetErrorString(err), err);
   err = cudaGetLastError();
   if (err != cudaSuccess) {
      fprintf(stderr, "kernel failure: %s (%d)\n", cudaGetErrorString(err), err);
   cudaMemcpy(h_vec, d_vec, blockCount * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
NVCC = /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc
NVCCGEN = -gencode=arch=compute_53,code=\"sm_53,compute_53\"
NVCCFLAGS = $(NVCCGEN) --compiler-options -fno-strict-aliasing -DUNIX -g -G -rdc=true = $(NVCC) $(NVCCFLAGS) $(TARGET_ARCH) -c
NVLINK = $(NVCC) $(NVCCGEN) -rdc=true

runit: it

it: it.o
	$(NVLINK) $^ $(LD35LIBS) -o $@

	$( -c $<

	rm -f it it.o

The Makefile will build and run “it”, using CUDA_DEVICE_WAITS_ON_EXCEPTION=1. The program has an intentional bug where it will overrun the end of the array by an extreme amount, triggering a memory exception. The idea is that this should stop the process and allow you to attach with cuda-gdb.

Once the exception happens, the driver will start throwing out errors like this:

gk20a gpu.0: gr_gk20a_ctx_wait_ucode: timeout waiting on ucode response
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_os_r : 0
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_cpuctl_r : 0x40
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_idlestate_r : 0x1
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_mailbox0_r : 0x0
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_mailbox1_r : 0x0
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_irqstat_r : 0x0
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_irqmode_r : 0x4
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_irqmask_r : 0x8704
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_irqdest_r : 0x0
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_debug1_r : 0x40
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_debuginfo_r : 0x0
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_ctxsw_mailbox_r(0) : 0x0
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_ctxsw_mailbox_r(1) : 0x0
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_ctxsw_mailbox_r(2) : 0x89
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_ctxsw_mailbox_r(3) : 0x0
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_ctxsw_mailbox_r(4) : 0x2000a0
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_ctxsw_mailbox_r(5) : 0x0
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_ctxsw_mailbox_r(6) : 0x0
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_ctxsw_mailbox_r(7) : 0x0
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_engctl_r : 0x0
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_curctx_r : 0x0
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: gr_fecs_nxtctx_r : 0x0
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: FECS_FALCON_REG_IMB : 0xbadfbadf
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: FECS_FALCON_REG_DMB : 0xbadfbadf
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: FECS_FALCON_REG_CSW : 0xbadfbadf
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: FECS_FALCON_REG_CTX : 0xbadfbadf
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: FECS_FALCON_REG_EXCI : 0xbadfbadf
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: FECS_FALCON_REG_PC : 0xbadfbadf
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: FECS_FALCON_REG_SP : 0xbadfbadf
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: FECS_FALCON_REG_PC : 0xbadfbadf
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: FECS_FALCON_REG_SP : 0xbadfbadf
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: FECS_FALCON_REG_PC : 0xbadfbadf
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: FECS_FALCON_REG_SP : 0xbadfbadf
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: FECS_FALCON_REG_PC : 0xbadfbadf
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fecs_dump_falcon_stats: FECS_FALCON_REG_SP : 0xbadfbadf
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fifo_wait_engine_idle: cannot idle engine 0

This should look similar to another problem I reported about persistent kernels, and it may even be the same root problem.

Anyway, if you attempt to attach to this process with cuda-gdb’s attach command, things get worse. cuda-gdb somestimes just hangs, but usually aborts with:

Error: Internal error reported by CUDA debugger API (error=CUDBG_ERROR_INTERNAL(0xa)). The application cannot be further debugged.

And the driver then throws out worse errors in addition to the ones above:

gk20a gpu.0: gr_gk20a_exec_ctx_ops: unable to stop gr ctxsw
gk20a gpu.0: nvgpu_ioctl_channel_reg_ops: dbg regops failed
gk20a gpu.0: __locked_fifo_preempt: preempt TSG 0 timeout
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_set_error_notifier: error notifier set to 8 for ch 504
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_set_error_notifier: error notifier set to 8 for ch 503
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_set_error_notifier: error notifier set to 8 for ch 502
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_set_error_notifier: error notifier set to 8 for ch 501
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fifo_handle_mmu_fault: mmu fault on engine 0, engine subid 0 
(gpc), client 1 (t1 0), addr 0x00000005:0x01481000, type 2 (pte), info 0x00000182,inst_ptr 0x15ed1d000
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fifo_reset_engine: failed to HALT gr pipe
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fifo_set_ctx_mmu_error_tsg: TSG 0 generated a mmu fault
gk20a gpu.0: gk20a_fifo_handle_sched_error: fifo sched error : 0x0000000a, failed to find engine

Hello Todd, thank you for reporting this issue, we are currently investigating.

Hi Todd,

To clarify your issue further, would you please help to confirm that you do not have CUDA_WAITS_ON_EXCEPTION=1 in your environment?

Besides, that “cuda-gdb –pid” aka “late attach” is not supported on mobile environments – this includes L4T, Android, V4L, and V4A.


No, CUDA_WAITS_ON_EXCEPTION=1. But CUDA_DEVICE_WAITS_ON_EXCEPTION=1 is set. That is the point of the bug report.

Hi Todd Allen,

By further clarification with the team, this seems to be an issue in nvgpu – channel watchdog is not initiating RC recovery properly and hangs the board, we will fix this issue in the coming release - r24.2.


In L4T R24.2, this issue was obscured by a different bug that prohibited CUDA attach at all. With L4T R24.2.1, that problem is corrected, and this one resurfaces, but it’s less bad. The failure is almost exactly the same as described here, and probably for much the same reason, so I won’t reiterate it:

Hi Todd Allen,

The cuda-gdb does not support late attach on mobile, we plan to remedy this in a future release.
