Cuda driver initialization failed (cross-compilation)

I’m trying to develop a program for the Jetson Xavier NX, using Nvidia Nsight, configured for cross-compilation. I have followed the guide here

The cross-compilation seems to work. However, I keep getting the following error anytime I launch a Debug session:

fatal: The CUDA driver initialization failed. (error code = CUDBG_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILURE(0x14)


For a cross-compiling an ARM application, please make sure you run the app on the Jetson platform.
This can be done by either remote access with Nsight or just copy the file to XavierNX with ssh.


Hi, thank you for your answer. However, I’m getting the error when I try to debug the application from the host computer, which is something that I would need to able to do. Running the application from the Jetson works fine without issues. Any idea about this?


Do you have the error log of cuda-gdb?
Please noticed that you will need to login as root to enable the profiling authority.
