CUDA install unmet dependencies: cuda : Depends: cuda-10-0 (>= 10.0.130) but it is not going to be installed

I Installs cuda 10.1 deb and then install 10.0 deb. It’s work.

This is fine for Nvidia but does not address the CUDA installation issues.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem? i tried all solutions to fix this but it does not work. Before i worked with cuda 10.1 were fine, once i upgrade to cuda 11 this problems come.

i followed this step to install

Blockquotesudo apt-get upgrade
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
You might want to run ‘apt --fix-broken install’ to correct these.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
cuda-command-line-tools-11-0 : Depends: cuda-cupti-dev-11-0 (>= 11.0.194) but it is not installed
Depends: cuda-nvprof-11-0 (>= 11.0.194) but it is not installed
Depends: cuda-nvtx-11-0 (>= 11.0.167) but it is not installed
cuda-compiler-11-0 : Depends: cuda-nvcc-11-0 (>= 11.0.194) but it is not installed
cuda-drivers-450 : Depends: nvidia-450 (>= 450.51.06) but it is not installed
cuda-libraries-11-0 : Depends: cuda-cudart-11-0 (>= 11.0.194) but it is not installed
Depends: cuda-nvrtc-11-0 (>= 11.0.194) but it is not installed
Depends: libcublas-11-0 (>= but it is not installed
Depends: libcufft-11-0 (>= but is installed
Depends: libcurand-11-0 (>= but is installed
Depends: libcusolver-11-0 (>= but is installed
Depends: libcusparse-11-0 (>= but is installed
Depends: libnpp-11-0 (>= but is installed
Depends: libnvjpeg-11-0 (>= but is installed
cuda-libraries-dev-11-0 : Depends: cuda-cudart-dev-11-0 (>= 11.0.194) but it is not installed
Depends: cuda-driver-dev-11-0 (>= 11.0.194) but it is not installed
Depends: cuda-nvrtc-dev-11-0 (>= 11.0.194) but it is not installed
Depends: libcublas-dev-11-0 (>= but it is not installed
Depends: libcufft-dev-11-0 (>= but is installed
Depends: libcurand-dev-11-0 (>= but is installed
Depends: libcusolver-dev-11-0 (>= but is installed
Depends: libcusparse-dev-11-0 (>= but is installed
Depends: libnpp-dev-11-0 (>= but is installed
Depends: libnvjpeg-dev-11-0 (>= but is installed
cuda-samples-11-0 : Depends: cuda-nvrtc-dev-11-0 but it is not installed
Depends: cuda-nvcc-11-0 but it is not installed
Depends: libcublas-dev-11-0 but it is not installed
Depends: cuda-cudart-dev-11-0 but it is not installed
Depends: cuda-driver-dev-11-0 but it is not installed
cuda-toolkit-11-0 : Depends: cuda-nvml-dev-11-0 (>= 11.0.167) but it is not installed
cuda-visual-tools-11-0 : Depends: cuda-cudart-dev-11-0 (>= 11.0.194) but it is not installed
Depends: cuda-driver-dev-11-0 (>= 11.0.194) but it is not installed
Depends: cuda-nvml-dev-11-0 (>= 11.0.167) but it is not installed
Depends: cuda-nvrtc-dev-11-0 (>= 11.0.194) but it is not installed
Depends: libcublas-dev-11-0 (>= but it is not installed
Depends: libcufft-dev-11-0 (>= but is installed
Depends: libcurand-dev-11-0 (>= but is installed
Depends: libcusolver-dev-11-0 (>= but is installed
Depends: libcusparse-dev-11-0 (>= but is installed
Depends: libnpp-dev-11-0 (>= but is installed
Depends: libnvjpeg-dev-11-0 (>= but is installed
nvidia-450-dev : Depends: nvidia-450 (>= 450.51.06) but it is not installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try ‘apt --fix-broken install’ with no packages (or specify a solution).


So what worked for me was to uninstall every nvidia based driver and software(cuda/nvidia-410/etc) from Ubuntu. I don’t remember the exact commands for removing all Nvidia drivers/files but I am sure you will find it easily either on here or Stackoverflow.

After making sure there is no trace of anything nvidia related on my system, I downloaded the “” and installed cuda using this. Since then NVCC seems to have been working properly.
I had tried a lot of things before using the runfile for installing cuda and none of them worked. Maybe try installing CUDA using the runfile but make sure you purge everything Nvidia related before doing this.

i follow this to resolve

after i downgrade to cuda 10.1 by removing all nvidia related.

I simply installed all of the dependencies, you can use
apt-cache madison package
to find all of the versions and
apt-get install package=version
to install the required version. After going through the dependency chain the issue got resolved.

But this is making the process very complicated, I really hope the engineers at NVIDIA can optimize this process or at least make it easier for us to understand what we are installing and why we need it.

This solution actually works, because you let cuda to decide for itself, what the requirements are. The problem in the question boils down to an incompatibility between the cuda and nvidia-drivers.

So as suggested here, removing any cuda or nvidia drivers that you installed before by purging them is necessary before you do, say sudo apt-get install cuda-10-2 for installing cuda version 10.2


I am trying this solution for the installation of cuda 11.
I therefore use: LC_ALL=C sudo apt-get install cuda-11-2 cuda-runtime-11-2 cuda-demo-suite-11-2 cuda-drivers-460
Right now, I have the following error that I do not understand:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 cuda-drivers-460 : Depends: nvidia-modprobe (>= 460.32.03) but 361.28-1 is to be installed
                    Depends: nvidia-settings (>= 460.32.03) but 361.42-0ubuntu1 is to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

If I try to force the installation of nvidia-settings with a specific version LC_ALL=C sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings=460.32.03, I find the following error:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Version '460.32.03' for 'nvidia-settings' was not found

The same happens for nvidia-modprobe. I am a bit clueless as to how to force the correct version given it’s not found…
Do you have any ideas on how to go about this?

I wish nvidia could sort this mess out with their software. It happens all the time. The advice here has resulted in a completely borked toolchain, not just for the new software I needed to run but for old software as well.

Ugh, another afternoon wasted.


The root cause for me is the mix of different versions of NVIDIA drivers. I solved it by completely removing all the old packages using the below commands:

  1. dpkl -l | grep -i nvidia
  2. dpkl -l | grep -i cuda
  3. apt-get remove --purge ABOVE_PACKAGE_NAMES

One simple alternative solution I tried but worked is to choose the latest driver from Ubuntu’s “Software & Updates”, like version 470 from this list.

Then try to install again via some command like sudo apt-get -y install cuda at the Terminal.

1 Like

sudo apt purge -y ‘nvidia-*’ && sudo autoremove && sudo apt install -y cuda
worked for me

Saved my day. Thanks

thank you for not only posting an answer but also the process for solving it

I act based on below link and my problem fixed

Thank you so much!! This helped.

work for me. I love yoouu!!!

sudo apt --fix-broken install, this cmd works for me