CUDA Textures with structs


I’m working on an object detector following the Viola & Jones approach by using Haar cascades.

At the moment, the Haar cascades are implemented as huge arrays containing different structs for stages, classifiers and features.

I use the global memory, upload the structs to the device and give the pointer as parameter to the kernels:

// Host (Upload)

cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceFeatures, sizeof(cudaFeature) * totalFeatures);

cudaMemcpy(deviceFeatures, features, sizeof(cudaFeature) * totalFeatures, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

checkCudaError("uploading feature array");

// Device

cudaFeature feature = deviceFeatures + offset;

Due to performance reasons, I’m thinking about using textures for the structs:

texture<cudaFeature, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> featureTexture;

// Host (Upload/Binding)

cudaMalloc((void**)&deviceFeatures, sizeof(cudaFeature) * totalFeatures);

cudaMemcpy(deviceFeatures, features, sizeof(cudaFeature) * totalFeatures, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

cudaBindTexture(0, featureTexture, deviceFeatures);

checkCudaError("uploading feature array");

// Device

cudaFeature feature = tex1Dfetch(featureTexture, offset);

Unfortunately, the tex1Dfetch methods only support basic types like int, uchar, float etc… and I got the following compiler error:

Is there any possibility to access structs by using cuda textures?

Maybe my approach is completely wrong and somebody has a better solution for my needs!?

Many thanks in advice,



I’m afraid it is just like you said. Since texturing is “cast” into hardware, there’s no way to texture from types different from those implemented in CUDA (and the built-in vector types).

If your arrays aren’t too large you will might be able to copy them into constant memory which is read-only but fully cached.

BTW: Is it possible to allocate constant memory dynamically?

I’ve tried to use the constant memory, but my arrays are too large. :(

Maybe this is a dirty hack, but what’s about casting my structs for example into uchar which I can bind to a texture.
I know the size of my structs, so on the device I could read out the corresponding number of uchar’s and cast them back into my struct!

Is there a way to split up my structs into a char array which I can bind to a texture?

Use a union:

[codebox]union Combi{

  YourStruct struct;

  char bytes;


You can assign a value to the struct part of the union and when you read bytes it will contain the byte representation of the struct. Works the other way around as well.


Could you give an example of how to do this?