cudaDeviceSynchronize from device code is deprecated

so I have this function

__global__ void ndCudaInitBodyArray(ndCudaSceneInfo& info)
	if (info.m_frameIsValid)
		const unsigned bodyCount = info.m_bodyArray.m_size - 1;
		const unsigned blocksCount = (bodyCount + D_THREADS_PER_BLOCK - 1) / D_THREADS_PER_BLOCK;
		ndCudaInitBodyArrayInternal << <blocksCount, D_THREADS_PER_BLOCK, 0 >> > (info);
		ndCudaMergeAabbInternal << <1, D_THREADS_PER_BLOCK, 0 >> > (info);

		info.m_histogram.m_size = info->m_cellsCount;
		if (info->m_cellsCount > info.m_histogram.m_capacity)
			cuInvalidateFrame(info, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
                unsigned blocksCells = (info->m_cellsCount + D_THREADS_PER_BLOCK -1) / D_THREADS_PER_BLOCK
		ndCudaCountAabbInternal << <blocksCells, D_THREADS_PER_BLOCK, 0 >> > (info);

and I get this warning

builds\newton-4.00\sdk\dNewton\dExtensions\dCuda>“C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.7\bin\nvcc.exe” -gencode=arch=compute_52,code="sm_52,compute_52" --use-local-env -ccbin “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.32.31326\bin\HostX64\x64” -x cu -rdc=true -I"C:\Development\newton-dynamics\newton-4.00\sdk\dCore"
-4.00\sdk\dNewton\dExtensions\dCuda\dContext\ndCudaSceneInfo.h(130): warning #1444-D: function “cudaDeviceSynchronize”
1>C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.7\include\cuda_device_runtime_api.h(142): here was declared deprecated ("Use of cudaDeviceSynchronize from device code is deprecated and will not be supported in a future release.

The docs say this:

  • Use of cudaDeviceSynchronize in device code was deprecated in CUDA 11.6 and will not be supported in a future release. Note that this is different from host-side cudaDeviceSynchronize, which is still supported.

I read all the docs, regarding dynamics parallelism, most them come for Mark Harris. All of them say that is you read data from a child kernel launched form a parent kernels, that the app most call cudaDeviceSynchronize

but that the doc say that this is not correct, so what is the correct way of doing it.

If I do no use that way, the simply does not work, because for some reason the child kernel are still running when is returns.
I spend hour and hour debug this because behavior, and it seem it is the only ways that can work.

before when I was no using dynamic paralleslism, this worked, but in order to since the number of item generated from the kernel ndCudaMergeAabbInternal
determine the number of blocks, I have to pass a ridicules number of block,
and check in the kernel if the block number was smaller that the valid blocks,
make the child kernels increasingly more and more complex.

so my question is what is the correct was of since the child threard after sdk 11.6?


That methodology is deprecated.

So you should not synchronize on a child kernel completion, in a parent kernel. If you need to consume results from the child kernel in device code, launch a new kernel.

Yes, this will require refactoring your code. There is no zero-impact workaround that I am aware of.

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What does “launch a new kernel” mean exactly? Does it mean a new child kernel inside the parent kernel?

You can launch a new child kernel, but that doesn’t create a device-wide parent-to-child sync point. If what you desire is a device-wide parent-to-child synchronization, then its a new parent kernel.

#include <cstdio>
__device__ int x = 0;

__global__ void child(int s){
  // child device code
  printf("child: %d val: %d\n", s, x);
  x = s;

__global__ void parent(){

  int idx = threadIdx.x+blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;
  x = 0;
  if (idx == 0) {
    //cudaDeviceSynchronize(); // possible future deprecation
  printf("parent val: %d\n", x);

int main(){


Without the cudaDeviceSynchronize() in the parent kernel, my expectation is that the printout would be:

parent val: 0
child: 1 val: 0
child: 2 val: 1
child: 3 val: 2

with the caveat that the parent val: 0 printout could theoretically appear at any position in the printout sequence (except the last position), and could print out any value of 0, 1, or 2. Note that the second invocation of child is guaranteed to see the results of the first invocation of child. stream semantics guarantee this. Likewise, for the same reason, the invocation of child from host code is also guaranteed to see any updates from the previous invocation of parent from host code (including the child grids launched by parent)


this is embarrassing
i ever
After completely switching to the GPU side, I used CUDA Dynamic Parallelism to write a lot of numerical calculation code that was completed only on the GPU side.The printf() function provided by cuda is highly functional and can be used to redirection to a file. It is possible to save the data, and there is no need to transfer the calculation results to the host side via memory.
Another reason is to local the memory used for internal calculation on the GPU side from the host side.
Sometimes it’s much more intuitive and easier to code to allocate/deallocate memory using new/delete inside global functions (even if we can’t use unique_ptr inside global)
The code below is an integral calculation program that completes only with GPU
cudaDeviceSynchronize() is embedded in the important part and it is very unrepairable.
If cudaDeviceSynchronize() support is dropped
I declare that I will quit nVIDIA user

constexpr  size_t Ki = 1024;
constexpr  size_t Mi = Ki * Ki;
constexpr  size_t Gi = Mi * Ki;

template<typename X=double>
Sinc2 {
  operator()(X const& x)  const {

  template<typename> typename Functor, 
  typename X
  const X s,
  const X e,
  const X delta,
  X * fx

constexpr size_t BLKMAX = Ki;
constexpr size_t THRDMAX = Ki;
constexpr  size_t DIVISION = Mi;

  template<typename> typename Functor,
  typename X
  const X s,
  const X e,
  X *result
) {
  X* fx = new X[DIVISION+1];

  X delta = (e - s) / static_cast<X>(DIVISION);
  coreIntegrate<Functor, X> << < BLKMAX, THRDMAX >> > (s, e, delta, fx);  
  Sumfx << <1, THRDMAX >> > (fx, sumfx); 



  delete[] fx;
  delete[] sumfx;

GPUMain() {
  double * dresult = new double;
  Integrate<Sinc2, double> <<< 1, 1 >>> ( 0.0, 10.0, dresult);



  // \int_{0}^{x} sinc(t)^2 dt, x=0...100;
  for (size_t i = 0; i <= Ki*100; i++) {
    Integrate<Sinc2, double> << < 1, 1 >> > ( x, x+delta, dresult);
    //x = i * delta;
    x += delta;

    result[i] = *dresult;

  double sum = 0.;
  x = 0.;
  for (size_t i = 0; i <= Ki * 100; i++ ) {
    //x = i * delta;
    printf("%20.18e %20.18e\n", x, sum);
    x += delta;
    sum += result[i];
  delete[] result;
  delete dresult;


main() {
  cudaDeviceSetLimit(cudaLimitMallocHeapSize, size_t(Gi+Gi));
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Wasn’t there some new CUDA task graph support for device code in CUDA 10 or was it announced for a future Toolkit version?

FWIW, CUDA 12 has introduced new CDP functionality. This may also be of interest.

Is there really no workaround to reproduce the same feature?


Use of cudaDeviceSynchronize in device code was deprecated in CUDA 11.6 and removed for compute_90+ compilation. For compute capability < 9.0, compile-time opt-in by specifying -D CUDA_FORCE_CDP1_IF_SUPPORTED is required to continue using cudaDeviceSynchronize() in device code for now.

Like using streams or stream events? I’m pretty new to CUDA so I don’t really know if that’s an option, and I understand that I could simply create a new kernel parentAfterAllChildrenCompletion to execute in <<<1,1>>> after the child kernel (because as you said in your previous answer, subsequent kernel invocations wait for eachother), but this would make my code even more messy.

From my understanding what you suggested in your previous answer would turn this deprecated code:

const int N = something;
const int M = something;
const int MAX_THREAD = 1024;

__global__ void child(int* a) {
  int index = MAX_THREAD * blockIdx + threadIdx.x;
  if(index < M) {
    // do something with the integer a[index]

__global__ void parent(int** a) {
  int index = MAX_THREAD * blockIdx + threadIdx.x;
  if(index < N) {
    child<<<M / MAX_THREAD + 1, MAX_THREAD>>>(a[index]);
    // do something on the entire integer array a[index] after the child kernels did their job

int main() {
  int** a;
  // allocate & initialize a[N][M];
  parent<<<N / MAX_THREAD + 1, MAX_THREAD>>>(a);


const int N = something;
const int M = something;
const int MAX_THREAD = 1024;

__global__ void child(int* a) {
  int index = MAX_THREAD * blockIdx + threadIdx.x;
  if(index < M) {
    // do something with the integer a[index]

__global__ void parentAfterAllChildrenCompletion(int** a, int index) {
    // do something on the entire integer array a[index] after the child kernels did their job

__global__ void parent(int** a) {
  int index = MAX_THREAD * blockIdx + threadIdx.x;
  if(index < N) {
    child<<<M / MAX_THREAD + 1, MAX_THREAD>>>(a[index]);
    parentAfterAllChildrenCompletion<<<1, 1>>>(a, index);

int main() {
  int** a;
  // allocate & initialize a[N][M];
  parent<<<N / MAX_THREAD + 1, MAX_THREAD>>>(a);

Is that correct?

Using CDP may not be a wise choice if you’re pretty new to CUDA.

I’m confused. I gave an example with parent and child kernels. Your example has parent and child kernels. The main point of my example is that a kernel will follow stream semantics, whether launched from the host or from the device. I’m not sure what you are asking.

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I mean, I must learn at some point, I want to be sure that things work like I think they do before pushing anything into production ofc.

What I’m asking is if those two codes are computationally equivalent, I guess that the second (non-deprecated) version will probably have performance inprovements over the first one, but is there any difference in the execution tree between the two?

I tried googling and couldn’t find any documentation on the new CDP APIs. Could you point me in the right direction?

cudaDeviceSynchronize was deprecated since CUDA 11.6 & compute_90, right?
how about cuCtxSynchronize, same with cudaDeviceSynchronize?

cudaDeviceSynchronize is deprecated only in device code, i.e. in kernels. It is not deprecated when called on the host. cuCtxSynchronize cannot be used in kernels.

From this example, cudaDeviceSynchronize() is deprecated because it is not necessary in stream semantics. Am I correct? Stream semantics guarantees that the child kernels are executed sequentially in the parent kernel.

not sure which example you are referring to.

No, that is not why it was deprecated. As already indicated it is deprecated in device code only.

The suggestion I gave to use stream semantics was intended as a work-around for one subset of problems that people might have used cudaDeviceSynchronize() in device code.