cudafe.exe cannot work with STL vector?


I put the following code in a *.cu file:

vector<my_struct> v;

then I got a compiling error: the cudafe.exe crashed…

Actually, I used STL vector in a *.cu file before and it worked fine at that moment. But this time I got this weird error…

If the reason is cudafe.exe cannot work with STL vector, why didn’t I encounter such an error when I used vector before?

The environment is vs2008 on winxp.

Thanks for helping.


I put the following code in a *.cu file:

vector<my_struct> v;

then I got a compiling error: the cudafe.exe crashed…

Actually, I used STL vector in a *.cu file before and it worked fine at that moment. But this time I got this weird error…

If the reason is cudafe.exe cannot work with STL vector, why didn’t I encounter such an error when I used vector before?

The environment is vs2008 on winxp.

Thanks for helping.