CUDA's thrust weird performance issue

I’m running a simple Cuda test with thrust and see big jumps in the timings. It ranges from 0.2ms to … it also happens when I use thrust’s cache allocation mechanism.
The profiler seems to indicate its a wasted time on the CPU between the copy_if and sort.
Any idea would be greatly appreciated.

Elapsed time: 0.291712ms
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Elapsed time: 1.27184ms
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Elapsed time: 0.810144ms
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Elapsed time: 0.308128ms (2.3 KB)

Hi Eyalhir74,

You see a big jump in timing between what condition and what new condition?

Please see some nvprof output. The performance jumps from time to time while I run the copy_if + sort in a loop.


looks like on the CPU side. Please use Nsight Systems instead of Nvprof. It can show you a lot more on the CPU side.