cuLaunchKernel returned error 1: Invalid value

i have added some openacc directives (kernels,etc) in my serial code,and i met some problems that confused me, perhaps it’s a simple question ,but i don’t why it occured.

call to cuLaunchKernel returned error 1: Invalid value

and i tested my serial F90 code in intel visual fotran 2013 compiler,it worked fine.but in PGI community edition 18.4,i received warning like this(but it can still work):

PGF90-W-0103-Type conversion of subscript expression for ind_p (try.f90: 1032)

please, can someone tell me why it occured and how to solve it.
thank you!

Hi Guo,

Would it be possible for you to post a snippet of the problematic section?

Thank you for your reply!
I found the error, i made a silly mistake that i add the kernel derictives in a wrong place which prevented parallelization. Now it works.
But i still couldn’t find out why the warning "PGF90-W-0103-Type conversion of subscript expression for ind_p (try.f90: 1032)"occurs, the serial code were tested successfully in visual studio 2013 compiler.

real(8) function Dx_WENO(i,j,var_u,var_C)
integer ind_p(0:4,0:1),iip,...........
do p=0,1
  do k=0,4
  end do
end do

the variable ind_p only took part in some simple operations, i had no idea where the warning came from.

thank you !

Hi Guo shuhao,

How is “p” declared? If you’re using implicit typing, variables starting with “p” would be typed as real. Using a real as as index into an array would cause this warning.

For example:

% cat test.f90
real(8) function Dx_WENO(var)

real(8) :: var(0:1,0:4)

do p=0,1
  do k=0,4
     s = s+ var(p,k)
  end do
end do
  Dx_WENO = s
end function Dx_WENO
% pgfortran test.f90 -c
PGF90-W-0103-Type conversion of subscript expression for var (test.f90: 8)
  0 inform,   1 warnings,   0 severes, 0 fatal for dx_weno

Explicitly typing “p” as an integer will remove the warning:

% cat test.f90
real(8) function Dx_WENO(var)

real(8) :: var(0:1,0:4)
integer :: p,k
do p=0,1
  do k=0,4
     s = s+ var(p,k)
  end do
end do
  Dx_WENO = s
end function Dx_WENO
% pgfortran test.f90 -c

Hope this helps,

Thank you!
now the warning disappears. It’s really a silly question, haha .