cuMemHostRegister unexpected side effect on RDMA transfer

Dear all,

a single call to cuMemHostRegister() in one process causes packet loss on concurrent RDMA data transfer in an other process !

Quadro P6000
Mellanox Connectx-5

the RDMA transfer (RoCEv2) operates smoothly at 97Gb/s for minutes
then in an other application, a correct call to cuMemHostRegister to pin/register some CPU memory will be correctly executed but the current data transfer will loose somme packets

is this a known issue ?

I doubt it is a known issue. You may wish to file a bug according to the instructions linked in a sticky post at the top of this thread. You would very likely be asked for a complete description of how to reproduce the error, including complete codes needed to run, and instructions for compiling and running those codes, along with a description of the system setup.

I’m not confirming your report in any way. There’s no way to tell from your description if this is actually a bug. I’m merely describing the process I would suggest to investigate it.

Generally speaking, pinning memory is the kind of OS activity that could result in the use of a global lock by an OS, which in turn could have an impact on I/O activity. From past involvement with an edge-router-type telecom product I recall that the use of various kinds of locks was a challenge (one would want to minimize use of locks and use fast CPUs to reduce the time spent inside the lock). Obviously internet protocols make provisions for packet loss, I don’t know whether that is true for RDMA.

As Robert Crovella says, the best way to find out whether your observation is a design limitation or an actual bug is to prepare the simplest and most reliable repro code you can craft, then file a bug report with that repro code attached so NVIDIA can investigate.

You might also want to investigate whether you can move all registering/pinning activity to the startup phase of your application.

okay I will post a MWE.
BTW do you know some RDMA perftool that count missing packet ? I did not see the option in ib_send_bw/lat and other from the perftest suite ?

Note that these forums are not a designated bug-reporting channel. To get your issue in front of relevant NVIDIA engineers, you would want to file a bug report using the web form linked at the registered developer site (start at

okay thanks

for those who are interested :

cuda call to create the issue

#include <stdio.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>

#define cudaCheckErrors(msg) \
do { \
	cudaError_t __err = cudaGetLastError(); \
	if (__err != cudaSuccess) { \
		fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error: %s (%s at %s:%d)\n", \
			msg, cudaGetErrorString(__err), \
			__FILE__, __LINE__); \
		fprintf(stderr, "*** FAILED - ABORTING\n"); \
		exit(1); \
	} \
} while (0)
void select_cpu(int c)
	cpu_set_t set;
	CPU_SET(c, &set);
	sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(set), &set);
	unsigned cpu = sched_getcpu();
	printf("thread using cpu %d\n", cpu);

int main()
int devId = 1;
cudaDeviceProp prop;
checkCuda( cudaGetDeviceProperties(&prop,devId) );
printf("RDMA and GPU Device: %s\n",;
int sharedCPU_GPU;	  

cudaHostRegister((void*)&sharedCPU_GPU, 4, cudaHostRegisterDefault);		

return 0;

recv RoCEv2 usinsing UD queue pair and ping pong buffer

#define _GNU_SOURCE
//for CPU_SET
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <infiniband/verbs.h>
#include "ud.h"

#define TEST 1000

char displayBuf[4096];

int main(int argc, char**argv)
int gpu		= atoi(argv[1]);
int d		= atoi(argv[2]);
int nWr 	= atoi(argv[3]);
int bufLen 	= atoi(argv[4]);
int nIter 	= atoi(argv[5]);

int memorySize = nWr*bufLen;


struct timespec startTime, endTime;

struct ibv_device   **dev_list;
struct ibv_device	*ib_dev;
struct ibv_comp_channel *channel=NULL;
struct ibv_pd *pd;
struct ibv_mr *mr,*mr_gth; 
struct ibv_cq *cq;
struct ibv_qp *qp;
struct ibv_qp_init_attr qp_init_attr;
struct ibv_context	*context;

int page_size=sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
int ib_port = 1 ;

void* addr = malloc(memorySize); 

for (int i=0; i<nWr; i++)
    *((char*)addr+i*bufLen) = 0;

//40 bytes extra bytes memory allocation for UD
char *buf_gth  = memalign(page_size, 40);

//get devices list
dev_list = ibv_get_device_list(NULL);
if (!dev_list) 
    perror("Failed to get IB devices list");
    return -1;

ib_dev = dev_list[d];
if (!ib_dev) 
	fprintf(stderr, "No IB devices found\n");
	return -1;

//create context
context = ibv_open_device(ib_dev);
if (!context) 
	fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get context for %s\n",
	return -1;
printf("using device %s\n",ibv_get_device_name(ib_dev));
//Protection Domain
pd = ibv_alloc_pd(context);
if (!pd) 
	fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate PD\n");
	return -1;

//Memory Region
mr 		= ibv_reg_mr(pd, addr,  memorySize, IBV_ACCESS_LOCAL_WRITE|IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_WRITE);
mr_gth 	= ibv_reg_mr(pd, buf_gth, 40, IBV_ACCESS_LOCAL_WRITE|IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_WRITE);

if (!mr) 
	fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't register MR\n");
	return -1;
//Completion Queue
cq = ibv_create_cq(context, nWr, NULL,NULL, 0);
if (!cq) 
	fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create CQ\n");
	return -1;

//Queue Pair
printf("creating QP\n");
memset(&qp_init_attr, 0, sizeof(struct ibv_qp_init_attr));
qp_init_attr.send_cq = cq;
qp_init_attr.recv_cq = cq;
qp_init_attr.cap.max_send_wr  = 1;
qp_init_attr.cap.max_send_sge = 1;
//qp_init_attr.cap.max_inline_data = 100;
//qp_init_attr.srq = NULL;
qp_init_attr.cap.max_recv_wr  = 2*nWr;
qp_init_attr.cap.max_recv_sge = 2;
qp_init_attr.qp_type = IBV_QPT_UD; 

qp = ibv_create_qp(pd,&qp_init_attr);
if (!qp) 
	fprintf(stderr, "---------Error, ibv_create_qp() failed\n");
	return -1;
printf("ibv_create_qp qnum %d\n",qp->qp_num);
struct ibv_qp_attr attr = {
			.qp_state        = IBV_QPS_INIT,
			.pkey_index      = 0,
			.port_num        = ib_port,
			.qkey            = 0xCAFECAFE 


printf("ibv_modify_qp to INIT\n");
if (ibv_modify_qp(qp, &attr,
		  IBV_QP_STATE              |
		  IBV_QP_PKEY_INDEX         |
		  IBV_QP_PORT 				| 
	fprintf(stderr, ">>>>>>>>>Failed to modify QP to INIT\n");
	return -1;

//Modify QP to RTR
printf("ibv_modify_qp to RTR\n");
memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr));
attr.qp_state		= IBV_QPS_RTR;
if (ibv_modify_qp(qp, &attr, IBV_QP_STATE)) 
	fprintf(stderr, "Failed to modify QP to RTR\n");
	return -1;

//Post Recv Work Request
struct ibv_sge		*sg = (struct ibv_sge*)		memalign(page_size,2*nWr*sizeof(struct ibv_sge));
struct ibv_recv_wr	*wr	= (struct ibv_recv_wr*)	memalign(page_size,nWr*sizeof(struct ibv_recv_wr)),*bad_wr;
struct ibv_wc 		*wc	= (struct ibv_wc*)		memalign(page_size,nWr*sizeof(struct ibv_wc));
memset(sg,0,2*nWr*sizeof(struct ibv_sge));
memset(wr,0,nWr*sizeof(struct ibv_recv_wr));

for (int i = 0 ; i < nWr ; i++)
	wr[i].wr_id     	= i;
	wr[i].next 			= (i == (nWr -1) || i == (nWr/2 -1)) ? NULL : &wr[i+1];
	wr[i].sg_list   	= &(sg[2*i]);
	wr[i].num_sge 		= 2;
	sg[2*i].length  	= 40;
	sg[2*i].lkey	  	= mr_gth->lkey;
	sg[2*i].addr 		= (uint64_t) buf_gth;

	sg[2*i+1].length 	= bufLen;
	sg[2*i+1].lkey		= mr->lkey;
	sg[2*i+1].addr 		= ((uint64_t) addr) + i * bufLen;

//post nWr/2 requests
if (ibv_post_recv(qp, wr, &bad_wr)) 
	printf("error ibv_post_recv 1\n");
	return -1;

clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &startTime);
int psn = ntohl(wc[0].imm_data) % nWr;

//main loop, post (2*nIter-1)*nWr/2
//start with i=1 because 1 wr has alredy been sent
int bank = 0,p,n;
for (int i=1;i<2*nIter;i++)
	if (ibv_post_recv(qp, bank ? &wr[0] : &wr[nWr/2], &bad_wr))
		printf("error ibv_post_recv 2\n");
		return -1;

		n = ibv_poll_cq(cq, nWr/2-p, wc);
		p +=n;
	} while (p < nWr/2);
	//testing missing packet
	int onum,inum;
	onum = inum;	
	inum = ntohl(wc[n-1].imm_data);
	if ((inum-onum) > (nWr/2))
		printf("lost data %d\n",inum);
	bank = !bank;

    //display some data
	if (((i-1)%TEST) ==0) 
    for (int ii = (bank ? 0 : nWr/2) ; ii < (bank ? nWr/2 : nWr) ; ii++)
        * (char*) (((uint64_t) addr) + ii*bufLen) = 0;

//free removed for clarity

send application
destination ip addr hard coded

#define _GNU_SOURCE

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <infiniband/verbs.h>
#include "../ud_post_recv/ud.h"

int main(int argc, char**argv) 
struct timespec startTime, endTime;

int d			= atoi(argv[1]);
int nWr 		= atoi(argv[2]);
int bufLen 		= atoi(argv[3]);
int nIter 		= atoi(argv[4]);
int remote_qpn	= atoi(argv[5]);

struct ibv_device   **dev_list;
struct ibv_device	*ib_dev;
struct ibv_comp_channel *channel=NULL;
struct ibv_pd *pd;
struct ibv_mr *mr,*mr2,*mr3,*mr4;
struct ibv_cq *cq;
struct ibv_qp *qp;
struct ibv_qp_init_attr qp_init_attr;
struct ibv_context	*context;

int page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
int send_flags = IBV_SEND_SIGNALED;
int ib_port=1;

printf("ud send v1.0\n");

//memory allocation
char *buf =  malloc(bufLen*nWr);

if (!buf)
	fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate work buf.\n");
for (int i=0;i<nWr;i++) 
	sprintf(buf+i*bufLen,"--------------------init line number %04d---image num %d---",i,i / nWr) ;

//get device
dev_list = ibv_get_device_list(NULL);
if (!dev_list) 
	perror("Failed to get IB devices list");
	return -1;

ib_dev = dev_list[d];
if (!ib_dev) {
	fprintf(stderr, "No IB devices found\n");
	return -1;

//create context
context = ibv_open_device(ib_dev);
if (!context) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get context for %s\n",
	return -1;
printf("using device %s\n",ibv_get_device_name(ib_dev));

struct ibv_port_attr port_info = {};
if (ibv_query_port(context, ib_port, &port_info)) 
	fprintf(stderr, "Unable to query port info for port %d\n", ib_port);
    return -1;

int mtu = 1 << (port_info.active_mtu + 7);
printf("MTU (%d)\n", mtu);
if (bufLen > mtu)
	fprintf(stderr, "Requested size larger than port MTU (%d)\n", mtu);
    return -1;
//Protection Domain
pd = ibv_alloc_pd(context);
if (!pd) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate PD\n");
	return -1;

//Memory Region
mr  = ibv_reg_mr(pd, buf,  bufLen*nWr , IBV_ACCESS_LOCAL_WRITE);
if (!mr) 
	fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't register MR\n");
	return -1;

//Completion Queue
printf("ibv_create_cq %p %p %d\n",context,channel,nWr);
cq = ibv_create_cq(context, nWr, NULL,channel, 0);
if (!cq) 
	fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create CQ\n");
	return -1;

//Queue Pair
printf("creating QP\n");
memset(&qp_init_attr, 0, sizeof(struct ibv_qp_init_attr));
qp_init_attr.send_cq = cq;
qp_init_attr.recv_cq = cq;
qp_init_attr.cap.max_send_wr  = nWr;
qp_init_attr.cap.max_send_sge = 1;
//~ qp_init_attr.cap.max_inline_data = 512;
//qp_init_attr.srq = NULL;
qp_init_attr.cap.max_recv_wr  = 1;
qp_init_attr.cap.max_recv_sge = 1;
qp_init_attr.qp_type = IBV_QPT_UD; 
qp = ibv_create_qp(pd,&qp_init_attr);
if (!qp) 
	fprintf(stderr, "---------Error, ibv_create_qp() failed\n");
	return -1;

struct ibv_qp_attr attr = {
	.qp_state        = IBV_QPS_INIT,
	.pkey_index      = 0,
	.port_num        = ib_port, 
	.qkey            = 0xCAFECAFE

printf("ibv_modify_qp to INIT\n");
if (ibv_modify_qp(qp, &attr,
		  IBV_QP_STATE              |
		  IBV_QP_PKEY_INDEX         |
		  IBV_QP_PORT 				| 
	fprintf(stderr, ">>>>>>>>>Failed to modify QP to INIT\n");
	return -1;

memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr));
attr.qp_state		= IBV_QPS_RTR;
if (ibv_modify_qp(qp, &attr, IBV_QP_STATE)) 
	fprintf(stderr, "Failed to modify QP to RTR\n");
	return -1;

//Modify QP to RTS
printf("ibv_modify_qp to RTS\n");
memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr));
attr.qp_state	= IBV_QPS_RTS;
attr.sq_psn	    = 1234;
if (ibv_modify_qp(qp, &attr, IBV_QP_STATE|IBV_QP_SQ_PSN))
	fprintf(stderr, "Failed to modify QP to RTS\n");
	return -1;

//Create ah
struct ibv_ah		*ah; 
struct ibv_ah_attr ah_attr;
memset(&ah_attr, 0, sizeof(ah_attr));
union ibv_gid gid;

if (ibv_query_gid(context, ib_port, 1, &gid)) 
	fprintf(stderr, "ibv_query_gid\n");
	return -1;
//hard coded ip addr
gid.raw[10] = 255;
gid.raw[11] = 255;
gid.raw[12] = 192;
gid.raw[13] = 168;
gid.raw[14] = 3;
gid.raw[15] = 14;

ah_attr.is_global     	= 1;
ah_attr.grh.dgid 		= gid; 
ah_attr.grh.sgid_index 	= 0;
ah_attr.grh.hop_limit 	= 0xFF;
ah_attr.grh.traffic_class = 1;
ah_attr.dlid          	= 0;            	= 0;
ah_attr.src_path_bits 	= 0;
ah_attr.port_num      	= ib_port;

ah = ibv_create_ah(pd, &ah_attr);
if (!ah) 
	fprintf(stderr, "Error, ibv_create_ah() failed\n");
	return -1;

printf("ibv_post_send nWR %d to %d\n", nWr, remote_qpn);
struct ibv_sge* sg  	= (struct ibv_sge*)     memalign(page_size, nWr*sizeof(struct ibv_sge));
struct ibv_send_wr* wr  = (struct ibv_send_wr*) memalign(page_size, nWr*sizeof(struct ibv_send_wr)),*bad_wr;
memset(sg, 0, nWr*sizeof(struct ibv_sge));
memset(wr, 0, nWr*sizeof(struct ibv_send_wr));

for(int i=0; i<nWr; i++) 
	wr[i].wr_id      			= i;
	wr[i].opcode     			= IBV_WR_SEND_WITH_IMM;
	wr[i].send_flags 			= IBV_SEND_SIGNALED; //try UNSIGNALED qp_init_attr.sq_sig_all=0
	wr[i].wr.ud.remote_qpn 		= remote_qpn;
	wr[i].wr.ud.ah          	= ah;
	wr[i].wr.ud.remote_qkey 	= 0xCAFECAFE;
	wr[i].next 					= (i == (nWr -1) || i == (nWr/2 -1)) ? NULL : &wr[i+1];
	wr[i].imm_data				= htonl(i); 
	wr[i].sg_list    			= &sg[i];
	wr[i].num_sge    			= 1;
	sg[i].length  				= bufLen;
	sg[i].lkey	  				= mr->lkey;
	sg[i].addr 					= (uint64_t) buf+i*bufLen;

struct ibv_wc wc[nWr];

int bank=0;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &startTime);

if (ibv_post_send(qp, wr, &bad_wr)) 
	fprintf(stderr, "Error, ibv_post_send() failed\n");
	return -1;
for(int j=1;j<(2*nIter);j++)
	if (ibv_post_send(qp, bank ? &wr[0]:&wr[nWr/2], &bad_wr)) 
		fprintf(stderr, "Error, ibv_post_send() failed\n");
		return -1;

	int num_comp=0;
		num_comp += ibv_poll_cq(cq, nWr/2-num_comp, wc);
	} while (num_comp<nWr/2);	
	if (wc[0].status != IBV_WC_SUCCESS)  
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed status %s (%d) for wr_id %d\n", 
		ibv_wc_status_str(wc[0].status),wc[0].status, (int)wc[0].wr_id);
		return 0;
	bank = !bank;

	//taint data buffer
	for (int ii = (bank ? 0 : nWr/2) ; ii < (bank ? nWr/2 : nWr) ; ii++) 
		sprintf(buf+ii*bufLen,"Line number %04d of image %d\n", ii,(j+1)/2) ;
		wr[ii].imm_data	= htonl(ii+((int)(j+1)/2)*nWr); 

	if ((j%1000)==0) 
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &endTime);
		double 	dt_ms = (endTime.tv_nsec-startTime.tv_nsec)/1000000.0 + (endTime.tv_sec-startTime.tv_sec)*1000.0;
		double 	gbps = (double) 1000*nWr/2*bufLen*8 / dt_ms * 1e3 / 1e9;
		printf("BW \t\t%01f Gbits/s\r", gbps);
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &startTime);
