cusparse gtsv2 reg.


I’m currently facing an issue with gtsv2 function, which is supposed to solve tridiagonal matrix with multiple RHS. Based on some earlier discussions in the forum, I have created interfaces in fortran module and bind it with C (Sample code to compare times on cpu and gpu is given below.)
Code is executed as follows:
pgf90 -o tdma.exe -ta=tesla:cc60 -Minfo=accel -Mcudalib=cusparse -Mcuda -r8 -fast cusparse_vs_CPU_comparion.F90

As per the CUDA 10.1 manual, gtsv2 requires buffersize, which is estimated using cusparseDgtsv2_bufferSizeExt and the pbuffer is allocated once.
It was mentioned in the manual that gtsv2 is superior to gtsv as it
a) does not require temporary storage
b) supports asynchronous execution
c) supports CUDA graph structure

However, apart from asynchronous execution, I can’t see any improvement.

Say, I call cusparseDgtsv2_nopivot function in a loop, I expect that gtsv will allocate temporary memory for every call, while gtsv2 will not require temporary storage (this has been allotted once using buf(buffersize)) and will be faster.

I see a similar profile output using gtsv and gtsv2 functions. Most of the time is spent in the following activities:

Type Time(%) Time Calls Avg Min Max Name
GPU activities: 70.38% 3.50011s 30 116.67ms 113.15ms 133.53ms void pcrGlobalMemKernel_manyRhs(pcrGlobalMemParams_t)
17.43% 866.71ms 5 173.34ms 173.01ms 173.86ms void pcrLastStageKernel_manyRhs(pcrLastStageParams_t)
11.23% 558.27ms 5 111.65ms 109.36ms 115.99ms void pcrGlobalMemKernelFirstPass_manyRhs(pcrGlobalMemFirstPassParams_t)

Can you please help me spot the mistake, please? In the above result, I can’t make out why the number of calls for void pcrGlobalMemKernel_manyRhs is 30 while I had only called it the gtsv2 function 5 times.

Final answers from the tridiagonal solver are fine but the time taken is much longer than the serial code on CPU. Am I passing the pbuffer properly?

Module tridiag


integer (4) function cusparseDgtsv2(handle, m, n, dl, d, du, x, ldb, pBuffer) bind(C,name='cusparseDgtsv2')
    use iso_c_binding
    use cusparse
    implicit none
    type(cusparseHandle),value :: handle
    integer(4),value :: m, n, batchCount, batchStride, ldb
    real(c_double),dimension(*), device :: dl, d, du, x
    !integer(8),value :: pBuffer
    type(c_ptr), value :: pBuffer
end function cusparseDgtsv2

integer(4) function cusparseDgtsv2_bufferSizeExt(handle, m, n, dl, d, du, x, ldb, pBufferSize) bind(C,name='cusparseDgtsv2_bufferSizeExt')
    use iso_c_binding
    use cusparse
    implicit none
    type(cusparseHandle),value :: handle
    integer(4),value :: m, n, batchCount, batchStride, ldb
    real(c_double),dimension(*), device :: dl, d, du, x
   !integer(c_size_t),value :: pBufferSize
    integer(c_size_t) pBufferSize
end function cusparseDgtsv2_bufferSizeExt

integer (4) function cusparseDgtsv2_nopivot(handle, m, n, dl, d, du, x, ldb, pBuffer) bind(C,name='cusparseDgtsv2_nopivot')
    use iso_c_binding
    use cusparse
    type(cusparseHandle),value :: handle
    integer(c_int),value :: m, n, batchCount, batchStride, ldb
    real(c_double),dimension(*), device :: dl, d, du, x
    !integer(8),value :: pBuffer
    type(c_ptr), value :: pBuffer
    !character(c_char),device :: pBuffer(*)
end function cusparseDgtsv2_nopivot

integer(4) function cusparseDgtsv2_nopivot_bufferSizeExt(handle, m, n, dl, d, du, x, ldb, pBufferSize) bind(C,name='cusparseDgtsv2_nopivot_bufferSizeExt')
    use iso_c_binding
    use cusparse
    implicit none
    type(cusparseHandle),value :: handle
    integer(4),value :: m, n, batchCount, batchStride, ldb
    real(c_double),dimension(*), device :: dl, d, du, x
   !integer(c_size_t),value :: pBufferSize
    integer(c_size_t) pBufferSize
end function cusparseDgtsv2_nopivot_bufferSizeExt

end interface

!********** cuda_tdma.cuf ************!


use iso_C_binding
use cusparse
use openacc
use tridiag
implicit none

!	 atri - sub-diagonal (means it is the diagonal below the main diagonal)
!	 btri - the main diagonal
!	 ctri - sup-diagonal (means it is the diagonal above the main diagonal)
!	 dtri - right part
!	 npts - number of equations

integer(4) npts,i,istat,j,iter,sizebuf,ierr, status, pts, calls, count
type(cusparseHandle) :: handle1 
integer(4) :: m, n
integer(c_size_t) :: bufsize
!character(c_char),allocatable,device :: buf(:)
type(c_ptr), device,allocatable,target :: buf(:) 
parameter (npts=192)
parameter (n=192*192*5)
real :: t1,t2
real, dimension(npts) :: atri,btri,ctri
real, dimension(npts*n) :: dtri

atri       = 1.0
atri(1)    = 0.0

btri       = 2.0

ctri       = 1.0
ctri(npts) = 0.0

count = 0
Do i=1,n
Do pts = 1,npts 
count = count + 1
dtri(count) = 4.0*i
if(pts.eq.1.or.pts.eq.npts) dtri(count)=3.0*i

print*, dtri(1:npts)

!***** memcpy() HtoD *****!
!$acc data copyin(atri,btri,ctri,dtri)

!**** cusparse_create and check ****!
istat = cusparseCreate(handle1)

!***** Calling Dgtsv and checking the output Status ****
call cpu_time(t1)
status = cusparseDgtsv2_nopivot_bufferSizeExt(handle1, npts, n, atri, btri, ctri, dtri, npts, bufsize)
print*, bufsize
call cpu_time(t2)
print*, 'buff size:', t2-t1

!********** Multiple calls to gtsv2 using the same buffersize ******************
Do calls = 1,5

!$acc parallel loop collapse(2)
Do i=1,n
Do pts = 1,npts
count = pts + (i-1)*npts
dtri(count) = 4.0*i
if(pts.eq.1.or.pts.eq.npts) dtri(count)=3.0*i

!call cpu_time(t1)
!status = cusparseDgtsv_nopivot(handle1,npts,n,atri,btri,ctri,dtri,npts)
!call cpu_time(t2)
!print*,'time gtsv=',t2-t1, status

call cpu_time(t1)
status = cusparseDgtsv2_nopivot(handle1,npts,n,atri,btri,ctri,dtri,npts,c_loc(buf))
call cpu_time(t2)
print*,'time gtsv2=',t2-t1, status


!$acc update self(dtri)
print*, dtri(1:npts)

!$acc end data

!**** TDMA on CPU ************
call cpu_time(t1)
Do calls = 1,5
call CPU_TDMA()
call cpu_time(t2)
print*,'CPU TIME:', t2-t1

Subroutine CPU_TDMA()
implicit none

!	 atri - sub-diagonal (means it is the diagonal below the main diagonal)
!	 btri - the main diagonal
!	 ctri - sup-diagonal (means it is the diagonal above the main diagonal)
!	 dtri - right part
!	 xsol - the answer
!	 npts - number of equations
integer npts,pts,i,l,m,check,iter, nl, nm
real,dimension(npts) :: atri,btri,ctri,dtri
real,dimension(npts) :: xsol
real,dimension(npts) :: cp,dp
real dnr,t1,t2

nl = 192*192*5
!***** FIRST EQUATION ******! RHS = 1.0

atri       = 1.0
atri(1)    = 0.0

btri       = 2.0

ctri       = 1.0
ctri(npts) = 0.0

call cpu_time(t1) 
!!$acc parallel loop collapse(2) copyin(atri,btri,ctri,dtri) create(xsol,dnr,cp,dp)
do l=1,nl

dtri = 4.0*l
dtri(1) = 3.0*l
dtri(npts) = 3.0*l

! initialize c-prime and d-prime
    cp(1) = ctri(1)/btri(1)
    dp(1) = dtri(1)/btri(1)
! solve for vectors c-prime and d-prime
!!$acc parallel loop 
       do pts = 2,npts
         dnr = btri(pts)-cp(pts-1)*atri(pts)
         cp(pts) = ctri(pts)/dnr
         dp(pts) = (dtri(pts)-dp(pts-1)*atri(pts))/dnr
! initialize x
    xsol(npts) = dp(npts)
! solve for x from the vectors c-prime and d-prime
    do pts = npts-1, 1, -1
      xsol(pts) = dp(pts)-cp(pts)*xsol(pts+1)
    end do


call cpu_time(t2)
!!$acc update self(dtri)
print*,'TIME: ',t2-t1, xsol

do i=1,npts
if(xsol(i).gt.0.9999.and.xsol(i).lt.1.0001) then
if(check.eq.0) then
print*,"Final Solution of CPU TDMA Unsuccessfull"
print*,"Final Solution of CPU TDMA Successfull"

END subroutine CPU_TDMA

I think the auxiliary benefit of gtsv2 (asifde from asynchronous execution) is that it requires significantly less temporary allocation, espcially in cudparsegtsv_nopivot.

This routine requires a significant amount of temporary extra storage (m×(3+n)×sizeof()). The temporary storage is managed by cudaMalloc and cudaFree which stop concurrency. The user can call cusparsegtsv2_nopivot() which has no explicit cudaMalloc and cudaFree.

You can see this in nvprof’s trace, there are more cudaMalloc and cudaFree calls.

The kernel execution time remains the same. Though you call gtsv2 n number of times, that itself will call other kernels at some multiple of n times. I don’t have an exact answer as to why it is done this way, someone over at the CUDA forums might know.


Time(%)      Time     Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
88.72%  106.076s       101  1.05026s  527.33ms  1.08316s  cudaFree
10.95%  13.0905s       101  129.61ms  1.1809ms  12.4129s  cudaMalloc


Time(%)      Time     Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
10.43%  12.4559s         1  12.4559s  12.4559s  12.4559s  cudaMalloc
0.51%  612.82ms         1  612.82ms  612.82ms  612.82ms  cudaFree

Interestingly, cuStreamSynchronize takes way longer with gtsv2 versus gtsv, which is where all the gained time is lost, I will need to poke at this some more. In any case, you will want to use gtsv2 as gtsv will be deprecated in the next CUDA release.

Perfect - Thanks for this clarification aglobus.
Yes, I am aware that gtsv will be deprecated in the next CUDA release and hence wish to use gtsv2.

For the final part of my question - Both gtsv and gtsv2 are slower (almost 3x slower) than the serial algorithm (although the answers are fine). But as per the following document, the cyclic reduction algorithm should be much faster than the serial Thomas algorithm (
Am I doing any obvious mistake in the code that I had shared, please? (given that the libraries are in C, should I change any indexing in Fortran before calling the functions?)

I think that the npts tested with is a little too low. That amount, depending on the CPU, can fit inside an L1/L2 cache, which would skew your results. The GPU’s results are most likely dwarfed by the cost of memory movement. The cost of memory movement is amortized with larger and larger amounts of data, which is where you’ll start to see the speed hand-off between CPU and GPU. This is true in general but the exact amount varies from GPU/CPU combination.

I bumped up the amount and at least for the GPU I am using to test (Nvidia P100), it is faster than the CPU equivalent.

Thanks, aglobus! I see that increasing npts has made a difference!