cusparseXcsrilu02_zeroPivot returns cusparse_status_internal_error everytime

I tryed to repeat example from Cusparse Libarary Manual (p.141) and added some code to realize it. But cusparseXcsrilu02_zeroPivot returns cusparse_status_internal_error everytime when I try to start program. What I did wrong? By the way, there are some mistakes in manual’s example. Some arguments were lost in some functions, but it’s easy to be corrected. I wonder anybody can help me with my problem. This is my code:

int solve()
	cusparseStatus_t status;
	cusparseHandle_t handle=0;

	int m=5, nnz=12;

	double csrVal[12]={2, 4 ,4 ,4, 3 ,3,3,4,5};
	int col[12]={0, 1, 1, 2,2,3,3,4,4  };
	int rowptr[6]={0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 };
	double ans[6], rh[6]={4, 5, 6,3,1};

	double *d_csrVal, *d_x,*d_y, *d_z;
	int *d_csrRowPtr, *d_csrColInd;

	cudaMalloc((void **)&d_csrVal, nnz*sizeof(double));
	cudaMalloc((void **)&d_csrColInd, nnz*sizeof(int));
	cudaMalloc((void **)&d_csrRowPtr, (m+1)*sizeof(int));
	cudaMalloc((void **)&d_x, m*sizeof(double));
    cudaMalloc((void **)&d_z, m*sizeof(double));
	cudaMalloc((void **)&d_y, m*sizeof(double));

	// Suppose that A is m x m sparse matrix represented by CSR format, 
	// Assumption: // - handle is already created by cusparseCreate(), 
	// - (d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, d_csrVal) is CSR of A on device memory,
	// - d_x is right hand side vector on device memory, 
	// - d_y is solution vector on device memory.
	// - d_z is intermediate result on device memory. 
	cusparseMatDescr_t descr_M = 0; 
	cusparseMatDescr_t descr_L = 0; 
	cusparseMatDescr_t descr_U = 0;
	csrilu02Info_t info_M = 0; 
	csrsv2Info_t info_L = 0; 
	csrsv2Info_t info_U = 0; 
	int pBufferSize_M; 
	int pBufferSize_L; 
	int pBufferSize_U;
	int pBufferSize; 
	char *pBuffer = 0;
	int structural_zero; 
	int numerical_zero; 
	const double alpha = 1.; 
	const cusparseSolvePolicy_t policy_M = CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL;
	const cusparseSolvePolicy_t policy_L = CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_NO_LEVEL; 
	const cusparseSolvePolicy_t policy_U = CUSPARSE_SOLVE_POLICY_USE_LEVEL; 
	const cusparseOperation_t trans_L = CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE;
	const cusparseOperation_t trans_U = CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE; 
	// step 1: create a descriptor which contains 
	// - matrix M is base-1
	// - matrix L is base-1 
	// - matrix L is lower triangular 
	// - matrix L has unit diagonal 
	// - matrix U is base-1 
	// - matrix U is upper triangular 
	// - matrix U has non-unit diagonal 
	cusparseSetMatIndexBase(descr_M, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE); 
	cusparseSetMatType(descr_M, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL); 
	cusparseSetMatIndexBase(descr_L, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE); 
	cusparseSetMatType(descr_L, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL);
	cusparseSetMatFillMode(descr_L, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_LOWER); 
	cusparseSetMatDiagType(descr_L, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT); 
	cusparseSetMatIndexBase(descr_U, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE);
	cusparseSetMatType(descr_U, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL); 
	cusparseSetMatFillMode(descr_U, CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_UPPER); 
	cusparseSetMatDiagType(descr_U, CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT); 
	// step 2: create a empty info structure 
	// we need one info for csrilu02 and two info's for csrsv2 
	// step 3: query how much memory used in csrilu02 and csrsv2, and allocate the buffer 
	cusparseDcsrilu02_bufferSize(handle, m, nnz, descr_M, d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd,info_M, &pBufferSize_M); 
	cusparseDcsrsv2_bufferSize(handle, trans_L, m, nnz, descr_L, d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd,info_L, &pBufferSize_L); 
	cusparseDcsrsv2_bufferSize(handle, trans_U, m, nnz, descr_U, d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd,info_U, &pBufferSize_U); 
	pBufferSize = max1(pBufferSize_M, max1(pBufferSize_L, pBufferSize_U));
	// pBuffer returned by cudaMalloc is automatically aligned to 128 bytes. 
	cudaMalloc((void**)&pBuffer, pBufferSize);
	// step 4: perform analysis of incomplete Cholesky on M
	// perform analysis of triangular solve on L 
	// perform analysis of triangular solve on U 
	// The lower(upper) triangular part of M has the same sparsity pattern as L(U), 
	// we can do analysis of csrilu0 and csrsv2 simultaneously.
	cusparseDcsrilu02_analysis(handle, m, nnz, descr_M, d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_M, policy_M, pBuffer);
	status = cusparseXcsrilu02_zeroPivot(handle, info_M, &structural_zero);
		printf("A(%d,%d) is missing\n", structural_zero, structural_zero); 
	cusparseDcsrsv2_analysis(handle, trans_L, m, nnz, descr_L, d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_L, policy_L, pBuffer);
	cusparseDcsrsv2_analysis(handle, trans_U, m, nnz, descr_U, d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_U, policy_U, pBuffer); 
	// step 5: M = L * U cusparseDcsrilu02(handle, m, nnz, descr_M, d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_M, policy_M, pBuffer); 
	status = cusparseXcsrilu02_zeroPivot(handle, info_M, &numerical_zero);
		printf("U(%d,%d) is zero\n", numerical_zero, numerical_zero); 
	// step 6: solve L*z = x 
	cusparseDcsrsv2_solve(handle, trans_L, m, nnz, &alpha, descr_L, d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_L, d_x, d_z, policy_L, pBuffer); 
	// step 7: solve U*y = z
	cusparseDcsrsv2_solve(handle, trans_U, m, nnz, &alpha, descr_U, d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_U, d_z, d_y, policy_U, pBuffer);
	// step 8: free resources 

	return 0;


I am having the same problem. I used the matrices from SuiteSparse matrix collection, and it returns the cusparse_status_internal_error with most benchmark matrices. I am still searching for the cause of this error. Any help is highly appreciated!

Can you provide a reproducer and SW versions?

I found a few errors in the sample code:

“int m=5, nnz=12;”
nnz should be 9 instead of 12.

"double csrVal[12]={2, 4 ,4 ,4, 3 ,3,3,4,5};
int col[12]={0, 1, 1, 2,2,3,3,4,4 }; "
Similarly, the array sizes should be 9, not 12.

“double ans[6], rh[6]={4, 5, 6,3,1};”
the array sizes should be 5, not 6.

It should be sizeof(int), not sizeof(double)

“// step 5: M = L * U cusparseDcsrilu02(handle, m, nnz, descr_M, d_csrVal, d_csrRowPtr, d_csrColInd, info_M, policy_M, pBuffer);”
This should be in 2 lines and the “cusparseDcsrilu02” step is not commented out (this is from a sample code for csrilu02() in cuSparse documentation, so please check it out)

After fixing the above errors the code will run fine.

I have tested a few matrices from SuiteSparse collection and had no issue. Please fix the above errors and make sure the matrices are created correctly in CSR format.