Custom carrier board USB 2.0/3.1 launch

We are preparing our own carrier board for the 900-13701-0040-000 module. There we have USB for the M2 connector and USB C which should be bi-directional and allow software changes. For now, I tried to focus on getting USB 2.0 up and running via a USB C - USB A adapter.
Schematic - currently activated on a fixed 5V power supply:

Configuration from Excel file:

Pinmux, padvoltage, gpio files:
Orin-orin_full_config-pinmux.dtsi.txt (65.7 KB)
Orin-orin_full_config-padvoltage-default.dtsi.txt (2.4 KB)
Orin-orin_full_config-gpio-default.dtsi.txt (4.6 KB)

System logs:
putty_log_29_10_devicetree_nowe.txt (543.9 KB)
putty_log_29_10_boot.txt (65.3 KB)
putty_log_29_10_dmesg.txt (39.7 KB)

After connecting a flash drive or keyboard, these devices are not detected, do not respond. USB 2.0 is actually the lines directly connected to the AGX module(C10/C11 pins). The connector has a pass-through, I checked. Could my problem lie in the software configuration?


If you are designing a custom base board, then it means some adaptation configurations are needed.
Otherwise, your board may not work fine.

For Orin AGX series, you could refer to below document
(please be aware that above link is for rel-36.3/jetpack6.0)

This document includes below configuration

  1. pinmux change & GPIO configuration
  2. EEPROM change as most custom boards do not have an EEPROM on it.
  3. Kernel porting
  4. PCIe configuration
  5. USB configuration
  6. MGBE configuration
  7. RGMII configuration


Hi, thank you for the answer, however it’s a bit generalized as we’re looking into USB issues at the moment. I uploaded the generated files from the sheet to configure the GPIO pins etc. I used these files to flash the system. I even attached the logs of the board running after doing this configuration. In case the following entry: ODMDATA=“gbe-uphy-config-0,hsstp-lane-map-3,nvhs-uphy-config-0,hsio-uphy-config-0”; there would be no way to boot the system.

It is obvious that the board requires a configuration that we made, but which did not work properly. We’ve preliminary compared our entries in the devicetree with respect to the reference devicetree used in our third-party carrier board, and at first glance they look identical. Perhaps this suggests that the device tree was properly configured.

please refer to

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