We are preparing our own carrier board for the 900-13701-0040-000 module. There we have USB for the M2 connector and USB C which should be bi-directional and allow software changes. For now, I tried to focus on getting USB 2.0 up and running via a USB C - USB A adapter.
Schematic - currently activated on a fixed 5V power supply:
After connecting a flash drive or keyboard, these devices are not detected, do not respond. USB 2.0 is actually the lines directly connected to the AGX module(C10/C11 pins). The connector has a pass-through, I checked. Could my problem lie in the software configuration?
Hi, thank you for the answer, however it’s a bit generalized as we’re looking into USB issues at the moment. I uploaded the generated files from the sheet to configure the GPIO pins etc. I used these files to flash the system. I even attached the logs of the board running after doing this configuration. In case the following entry: ODMDATA=“gbe-uphy-config-0,hsstp-lane-map-3,nvhs-uphy-config-0,hsio-uphy-config-0”; there would be no way to boot the system.
It is obvious that the board requires a configuration that we made, but which did not work properly. We’ve preliminary compared our entries in the devicetree with respect to the reference devicetree used in our third-party carrier board, and at first glance they look identical. Perhaps this suggests that the device tree was properly configured.