Custom gst-nvinfer


I’ve written two custom Gst-NvInfer plugins for separate NvInfer elements. These plugins have been compiled into two distinct files. When I declare a GIE in Python using Gst.ElementFactory.make("nvinfer", "name") , how can I specify which plugin is used by each GIE?

Can you describe how you "written two custom Gst-NvInfer plugins for separate NvInfer elements" and why you want to separate it?

Yes, one custom gst-nvinfer for a secondary GIE that can expand the output bounding boxes of the primary GIE before inference, and one custom gst-nvinfer responsible for face alignment. I want to separate these two custom gst-nvinfer elements to make them easier to maintain and use in different projects.

You can do that in the probe function of the nvinfer in your app instead of create two NvInfer elements.

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