I have implemented multistream deepstream pipeline using deepstream_test_3.py for custom yolov8 model with fp32 and it was working fine but when i am trying to run with network-mode=1 for int8 precision I am getting the following error.
File does not exist: /workspace/Primary_Detector/calib.table
WARNING: [TRT]: Calibration Profile is not defined. Calibrating with Profile 0
ERROR: [TRT]: [checkSanity.cpp::checkLinks::218] Error Code 2: Internal Error (Assertion item.second != nullptr failed. region should have been removed from Graph::regions)
/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-7.1/entrypoint.sh: line 15: 30 Segmentation fault (core dumped) /opt/nvidia/nvidia_entrypoint.sh $@
you need to set an int8 calibration file if wanting to run model with network-mode=1(int8).
please refer to this topic for how to generate int8 calibration file.
I have followed the same topic to set up my calibration file . Kindly look into the actual error :
ERROR: [TRT]: [checkSanity.cpp::checkLinks::218] Error Code 2: Internal Error (Assertion item.second != nullptr failed. region should have been removed from Graph::regions)
/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-7.1/entrypoint.sh: line 15: 30 Segmentation fault (core dumped) /opt/nvidia/nvidia_entrypoint.sh $@