D3DReflect does not work with D3D12 graphics debugging

I’m having trouble using shader reflection in my application with Nsight graphics debugging. I can repro the issue with Microsoft’s D3D12HelloTriangle sample; the application runs fine with Nsight, but Nsight exits abruptly if I add these two lines:

Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr vertexShaderReflection;
D3DReflect(vertexShader->GetBufferPointer(), vertexShader->GetBufferSize(), IID_PPV_ARGS(vertexShaderReflection.GetAddressOf()));

MS samples are here: GitHub - microsoft/DirectX-Graphics-Samples: This repo contains the DirectX Graphics samples that demonstrate how to build graphics intensive applications on Windows.

Nsight can debug our company application fine on our D3D11 backend which also uses shader reflection, so this issue seems to be D3D12-specific.

Hi jpark37,

We just fixed this issue and next release of Nsight will involve this.
